.Chapter 9.

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I sat on ground, my sobs had come to a stop. I looked at the ground, thinking about how my life could've been if I had never met Micheal. I would have a great life with my precious Scarlett.

"Chloe!" Micheal called out walking down the steps. I slowly looked up, looking into the darkness. "I've got a surprise! You can bring her down." Micheal said walking into the light. The door slammed open and two tall men clumsily walked down the stairs, with Scarlett in their arms. "Scarlett!" I called out happily.

"C-Chloe" She smiled as she saw me. The men dropped her on the ground, making her wince in pain. She slowly crawled over to me, holding me in her arms. "Why is s-she chained up?" Scarlett asked looking over at Micheal. Michael smirked and shrugged.

"He tied me up! And started asking me questions about you-"

"What did he ask?" Scarlett asked gripping my shoulders tightly. Her once warming smile turned to a serious frown. Her eyes, now filled with concern. "Nothing much" Micheal said patting her shoulder. "She just told me that you happen to be... A vampire" He grinned and grabbed her shoulder, ripping her away from me. "Scarlett!" I cried trying to reach for her. Scarlett hissed and tried to bite him. The two men walked over. One of them put their hand over her mouth while the other grabbed her other arm.

Scarlett stared at me, her eyes not longer filled with love and compassion. Instead they were filled with anger and dissapointment. I frowned, looking in the other direction. They tied her up to wall, across from me. "Let's get down to business-"

"Micheal were home!" A woman called out. He got groaned angrily. "Coming mom!" Micheal yelled get grabbing the two men by there wrist and dragging them upstairs.

"Scarlett..." I spoke up breaking the silence. Scarlett sat across from me, looking at the ground. "It's fine, Chloe" She mumbled as I frowned. The room when silent. I bit my lip, trying to hold back my tears.

"Please don't cry" Scarlett said trying to reach me. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault... I should've known I couldn't trust him..." Scarlett frowned in reply. I opened my mouth to break the silence once again but all that came out was a sob. A sad quiet sob.

The two of us sat across from each other, in silence. Then, Micheal slammed opened the basement? Whatever. Basement door, walking down the steps rather loudly. "Alright, guess we be doing this the hard way" He said smiling wickedly. He spun the knife in hand. "Do whatever you want, I won't talk" Scarlett hissed.

"I'm not going to hurt you" He looking over at me. "It's Chloe I'm going to, sadly, have to hurt" He smiled wickedly. "No, No! Don't you dare bring her into this!" Scarlett yelled trying her best to break the chains. Micheal simply shook his head and walk over me. I backed myself into the wall, as far as I could. He grabbed my wrist, streching my arm out.

"Please Micheal don't so this" I begged him, tears streaming down my cheeks. He shrugged and placed the knife near my arm. "Still don't wanna talk?" He asked looking over at Scarlett. She sat, watching him intensely. He smiled, and slide the knife across my skin.

I let out as scream as I felt the knife pierce my skin, blood flowing down my arm. He laughed and sliced my skin once again, very close to were the other cut was. "Stop! I'll talk! Please stop!" Scarlett cried.

"I don't think you will" Micheal said kneeling infront of me. "W-What are you doing?" I asked. He smiled and grabbed me face. He gently placed his lips onto mine. I tried to pull away but he held my face in place.

Scarlett hissed. Then, a large chain hit the ground. Micheal quickly took his lips off mine and turned around. Scarlett stood up, breaking the other chain off the wall. "Don't touch her" She hissed looking up at him. Her eye was blood red. Micheal smiled and placed his lips near me again.

Scarlett ran over, ready to punch. Micheal turned and grabbed her fist, pushing her back. Scarlett kneed him in nuts. He let out a groaned of pain and slapped her. She hissed and dug her nails into his shoulders. He grabbed her throat, tighting his grip everytime she dug her nails in. She ripped her nails out and smiled.

Micheal let go of her throat, holding his shoulder. Scarlett jumped on top of him, sinking her teeth into his throat.

He screamed, trying to push her off. When you thought she would've stopped, she kept going. She kept drinking his blood until he eventually stopped moving. She ripped her fangs out and wiped her mouth. She looked over at me. Then at my arm.

"S-Scarlett? You're not gonna... drain me... are you?" I asked, backingmyswlf further into the wall in fear. She shook her head and smiled. She slowly walked over, sitting down infornt of me. She looked normal again. "He didn't... Doing anything while I wasn't here... Did he?" She asked grabbing my face. I shook my head. She smiled and kissed me.

"What happened?!" A woman cried. Scarlett looked at me then her. "Wait, are you Chloe Johnson?!" She asked running over. "Yes and this is my girlfriend, Scarlett" I replied.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Your son kidnapped me, and then my girlfriend and tried to kill us" The woman put a hand over her mouth and shook her head. She took the chains off me and unlocked the basement door. "My son isn't dead... Is he?" The woman asked. "No, just unconscious" Scarlett replied walking out of the basement. I waved goodbye to the woman and followed Scarlett out of the basement. We walked out of the house, hand in hand.

"Chloe!" My mother called out running over to me. "Mom!" I cried running into her arms. She hugged me tightly. "Are you girls okay?" My father asked. We both nodded. "How did you find us?" Scarlett asked. "Micheal was the last person Chloe talked to-"

"So we found his address and asked if he knew were you where" My mother finished, cutting off my father. "Then we heard Scarlett went missing and we just knew that it had to be him"

"We're just happy you two are safe!" My mother cried. "I'm glad we're safe" Scarlett said kissing my cheek. My parents looked at each other and back at us. "I told you they were dating" My Father said placing his hand out. My mother rolled her eyes and out 20 bucks in his hands. Me and Scarlett laughed.

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