Chapter 1

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                                    3rd May,2019
I gulped nervously, wiping the sweat beads off my forehead. And the clock struck 3. I logged into the council's website and out came my mark sheet.  Squinting my eyes and zooming in on each column, I began calculating my percentage while my lips twitched upwards in a curve.

A freaking 94.3%.OH MY GOD.

I turned to look at 3 pairs of apprehensive eyes. I smirked and plopped the phone on the bed while they pounced on it hungrily.

A shrill squeak followed by happy tears and  loud claps echoed in the room.  Soon I was embraced, kissed and congratulated by Baba, Ma and Bhai. It felt surreal.

Now I understand how pampered those bloody toppers feel all the time.  Mhmmmm   perhaps more than a dying single child!

Wow what a comparison. Five points to my conscience.

Soon all of our phones were spammed with calls and messages. Those dormant relatives and well wishers suddenly became hyperactive. 

Perhaps the city was hit by a 12.9 Richter earthquake.

When the final clingy caller was satisfied with the detailed description of every nook and corner of my digital mark sheet, she finally bid me goodbye not before showering me with phone kisses and blessings.

Such leeches! I shall frame and parcel my mark sheet to them.  Phew!

After Ma satisfactorily fed me some rasgullas,  gulab jamun and sandesh I conference called my best friends Zara Abbas and Prateek Roy. We had a hearty conversation about our marks, toppers,  relatives and future.

We ended the call with Ayush Mehra's infamous -
'Let's make the party!!!'

Long day!

FRIEND ZONE Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora