Chapter 5

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" Hi!🖐"
"Rudra here.  Ur senior.  Blue house captain"
"Recognize me?"

Senior?! Well, my ignorant ass doesn't even know all my classmates-- senior!Huh! Anyways I replied.


"Oh. Maybe you could
check my profile and......?"

                             "Uh ok"
                             "Umm  ya I recall seeing u in the investiture ceremony "

"Yeah right. Friends?"
                               "Friends "

"So...tell me something about yourself "

WTH!! that's so creepy.
So I did the first thing that came to my mind. I went offline. My phone kept crying out "Pi-ka-chu" as he kept texting me. I successfully ignored it.

"Didi chol Endgame dekhi (Sis, let's watch Endgame)-- Bhai came running to me.

"Alright let's-"

"Haa tai kor saradin. Porashona nei. Khali phone, TV, are school er bondhura. Roj school o jete hobe hoche! Dara na dekhachi tor moja. "
(Ya, right keep doing so. Don't study. U should focus only on your phone, TV and school friends. You even have to go to school every day! Just wait and watch "), Ma said .

"Fine.  I'll study now."

I locked the door of my study room , retrieved my phone and tapped on the Instagram icon. Against my better judgment, I opened Rudra's chatbox.

"Hey! I'm waiting "
"Hello "
"U there?"
" Shreyoshi???"
"I need to talk to you-- plz respond "
                     "I'm busy.Sorry.Gn"

SHIT! He came online! Uh-oh!

"I won't take long- plz"
"Hey uk what? You're online- I can see that!"
" Y r u ignoring me? Just reply dammit!"

WTH!  He knows I'm online?

I rang up Zara immediately and asked her the reason. She suggested I turn off my last seen and guided me with the steps.

Holy shit! This is even crazier! I can't even see if other's are online! WhatsApp is way better!

I opened Rudra's chatbox again.

"Ok I'm sorry for above! But plz reply. Once"

I felt a huge ego boost. So I replied.

                           "Say but I only have 10 mins. Igtg"

" Ohh thank God "
"You're in Blue house right?"


"We need some volunteers for the upcoming event "

                                "OK.But that could've been done at school"

"No- it's urgent, other other houses are all prepared "

                              "Oh ok. I'm in"

"'re sweet. I really enjoyed u freaking out "

Creep! Embarrassing!

                              "No really I have some"

"Bye...see ya tomorrow?"

                             "Ya. I'm volunteering after all"

"Oh yeah! Bye! Gn sd tc"

OMG! What was that?!

I took a look at his profile again--- average looking guy-- nevertheless, uhh what do I say... hot or cool?


I looked back at the screen.

_Rudraaa_: See ya tomorrow 😉

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