Chapter 2

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                                  14th May, 2019
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As the assembly ended, one by one every class went back to their respective classrooms with ofcourse some self-proclaimed heroes loitering here and there only to be rebuked by the teachers.

Soon we settled down in our self-founded cozy yet hard bench. Zara had come early to school so that she can conquer  our territory.
Perks of being in high school- teachers treat you like adults and let you sit with your friends.
We were sitting at the third last bench. On our left was the second door and Prateek was would be sitting on our right in the next row.
Staring out of the door one could intake the beauty of the school built in the British rule. Tall double storeyed school buildings, airy classrooms with high ceilings, broad skylights, cold corridors, large playgrounds and lots of trees.
Not to forget the strict, 'speak-in-english-no-vernacular-languages-allowed' short haired, steel rimmed spectacled teachers.

"Shreyoshi look! Anupam is staring at you. Oh no! He's staring at you too Zara.Guess he yearns for a threesome. Don't worry
I'll hang him upside down from the ceiling fan and turn it on. "

"Prateek, I don't care if you're done with your rambling or not so just shut up " Zara said. Prateek was about retort but our English teacher walked in .

" The two girls sitting next to the door --- what is so amusing outside?" A loud roar echoed in the silent classroom and now everyone's attention was on us.

We stood up with our heads hung low.
"Answer me. Quick. "
" Birds ", Zara said softly. We could hear some murmurings.
I interjected. " Uh, what she means is, we were concentrating when I suddenly looked outside to see a bird I've never seen before and I nudged her to look at it too. It wasn't even a minute when--- "
" Next time I don't want any disturbance in my class. Is that clear?"
"Yes miss "
"Sit down "
"Thank you miss "

As soon she left Prateek approached us.
"So what?"
"I very well know it wasn't some crazy unusual bird who migrated to smoldering hot India in summer. What was it?"
We smiled sheepishly before Zara replied---
"Dude you missed it. We saw some very usual pigeons having sex. SEX. Yeah! One on top of another. We stared at them for atleast five minutes before that old witch interrupted. Clearly the pigeon has some great stamina. "

Prateek gasped, "Fuck!I missed it!"
"I'm sure you did. They were even changing positions. We saw two- doggy style and missionary. "

The break time was spent making new friends.

It was the second last period of the day. Maths. Mr.Roy was teaching us the basics of Set theory. It was so boring. We've already done that in standard ten, why can't he skip that part? Zara and I were gossiping and munching on chips when a shadow fell on the blackboard--- somebody stood at the door blocking out the light from outside.

I choked. My breath hitched. Zara went into a coughing fit.

What is HE doing here?

New chapter here!
Any guesses who is HE?

Next update coming very soon.

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