Chapter 7

24 3 5

Twenty nine. Thirty. Thirty one.
I climb thirty one steps to reach my class every day.

Had it not been for Rudra- wait, where's Rudra?
I turned to my right to bump headfirst into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry..."
Awkward silence.
"Um Shreyoshi , this is the classroom".
We walked into the airy classroom.

Around 3 girls and 5 boys were scattered around the classroom- 1 guy was sitting on the table top and had the attention of 2 girls and a boy  while some were jumping around.
I could also see some kuchikoo going on in one corner of the class... arghh...these nasty couples!

"Hi Rudra, hey sweetie..what's ur name?", the  guy sitting on the desk called out.
"Shreyoshi , Shreyoshi Banerjee ", Rudra beat me to it.
The guy cocked an eyebrow while several others began coughing.
Fucking overthinkers!

"Join us Shreyoshi", a girl who I could recognize from my previous school called out.

Time passed by.  They seemed to be quite....Talkative?

After a very very long time our maths teacher graced us with his presence. He was carrying a bunch of chart papers.

"Good afternoon children. Sorry to keep you all waiting for so long. The meeting took time."

"Apology not accepted ",murmured Aneek- one of the seniors.

"I need 2 of you each to pair up and take a chart paper and beautifully design the name of the respective schools given  to you."

" Bass ei suru holo! Aage aage dekho aur kya kya hota h", Aneek commented again.
("Things have just begun. Let's see what all further happens ")

"Dont talk and mess up the decorations. Do your work diligently. You're the chosen few."

"Sala manipulator sala! Chosen few my foot."

Urghhh!! Such an irritating guy! Can't he just shut up?!!

I always knew I was one lucky girl.  For instance, I've been paired up with Aneek.

Fortunate much?

"Shreyoshi,  let me tell you that I'm least interested in helping you with this shit but if u want me to help in any other way then I'm here".

"ANEEK DADA, u can obviously help me by shutting ur stupid mouth up", I retorted.

"Dada?! What the fuck? Who dada? Only Sourav Ganguly is DADA. I'm...
Yours lovingly Aneek", he winked.

"Abbey Aneek behave yourself bro...nahole ami bhule jabi tui amar bro hos", Rudra magically appeared from behind me.
(Hey Aneek behave yourself or else I'll forget that you're my bro)

"Tai nki be? Kno ? K hoi tor?" Aneek dada questioned.
( "Oh really? Why? Who's she to you?")

At this Rudra's eyes met mine.
I looked away quickly.

"None of your business ", with that said Rudra stormed out of the class.
Aneek threw the sketch pens in his hands and stomped his way to the last seat.

I looked around. Sir was not inside the classroom. Everybody was looking at me with narrowed eyes. The atmosphere had suddenly turned grim. Even the couple looked like they were scrutinizing me.

I felt extremely uncomfortable. I needed to get out of there. I ran towards my classroom.

Later that day Zara and Prateek questioned me about my whereabouts and if something was wrong. I told them everything,  except the uncomfortable part.


It was bedtime. But something felt wrong. I opened Instagram. No texts from that one guy who's been hovering around me from quite sometime now.

I opened his chatbox and texted him .

Good night.
And thank you for standing up for me today. 

On second thought I added,
See you tomorrow .

Chapter dedicated to Purbareads

Hi lovelies ❤❤❤
Its been 2 months since the wrote the last chapter.
So here I am. Back again!
Please vote and Comment your opinion.

Special thanks to all my beautiful supporters.
Love you all so much.

Next update by the end of this month. Semester exams coming up. 🙂🙂🙂

Till then stay tuned.

FRIEND ZONE Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon