Chapter 4

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A week has gone by. Its Saturday today. A lot has happened in this one week's time. I repeat, A LOT!

To begin with, I have 138 followers on Instagram. That's atleast a century less than the number I follow. Nevertheless that's a progress-- as Zara says .

Next comes a rather interesting update. In fact that's the most mind blowing thing that's ever happened to me!
It was a hot Wednesday evening, so I positioned the table fan closer to where I sat. I was half way through Vectors when I felt exhausted. So I leaned back on my chair and began looking around. My eyes fell on the vibrating old table fan and I moved forward to feel it. Little did I know my thin middle finger would seep through the corrosion resistant gaurd and reach the rotating blades. A sharp pain brought me back to reality as I saw blood oozing out of my finger. As I stood up pain shot through my veins and my head started reeling. I ran to my mother and narrated the whole incident while I held my finger under running water. Ma began chiding me. At one point she even told me that the cut is so deep that my finger tip might be amputated. Baba had returned from office and he panicked about my finger needing stitches. Ma went on to rant about how I've become defective now and no good boy will MARRY me.

WOW!!! They've rendered me SPEECHLESS. It took them only a second to be change their topic of concern from my finger to my groom. AMAZING!!!

While they kept ranting on how I've become disabled now-- I dried up the wound, applied antiseptic and covered it with a band aid. My finger's not completely healed now, so my mother still feeds me but that's all!

Wasn't that quite wholesome?

Next comes this new girl in school-- Ishita -- she's being quite friendly with me and wants to join my group; not to forget hanging out with me ALL THE TIME. This has gotten Zara totally pissed because she thinks Ishita is trying to take up her designation of being my bestie. Prateek though is unbothered or should I say over confident? Break times are the best part of school now; 2 tiffin boxes pushed to me (one from Zara and the other from Ishita) while Prateek cutely huffs and joins the boys. I feel like a queen.

However the best of all events was me running crazy while Prateek chased me. As I neared the end of the corridor, I took a sharp turn that caused me to slip and fall.
3 - 2 - 1 - and before I could feel the ground-- any guesses what happened? Yes, just like in fantasies where the hero saves the heroine from falling down and they stare at each other while still in each other's arms-----

I looked up to see Prateek glaring at the group of boys laughing at me. I stood up and scooted away to the parking lot.


Hey there lovelies. 🖐
Sorry for the long wait.

So here I am with a double update.
The 2nd update coming up tomorrow.

With lots of love ❤❤❤

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