Chapter 6

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"Manai, van chere chole jache kintu!"- baba shouted.
"Aschi, ek minute!"
(Manai,the van is leaving!)
(Coming, gimme a minute!)

The van didn't leave. The driver just gave me a brief speech on punctuality. I reached school.

I was walking towards my classroom when a squeaky voice called out, " Hey Shreyoshi!"
I turned around to see a bunch of guys approaching me.

Oh my God. Having studied in an all-girls school, I wasn't prepared to confront so many boys all alone. May God give me strength.

"Oh hi"- I fumbled.
"Remember we spoke yesterday? Meet me in the playground in 5minutes?" , Rudra squeaked.
"Oh alright ".
I resumed my stroll to my class.

Why are these lean bulldozers following me?

"Hey hurry up, the bell is going to ring!"- someone yelled.
" You can't talk to me like that!"- I shouted back and speed walked to my class.

In another 5 minutes, we were in the playground, soon enough everyone came up with some excuse and fled the place, leaving me alone with Rudra.

"So hi again Shreyoshi. As you can see, all my teammates are so irresponsible---"
"Irresponsible? I find them responsible enough to have completed the work already!", I pointed my index finger at the good-to-go stall.
Rudra looked flustered.
The bell rang. I ran back to the assembly ground.
The day rolled by with nothing major happening.
Later that night, my phone dinged with a notification-

_Rudraaa_ : Sorry to upset you. Hope I haven't made u uncomfortable.
I left the message on seen.


Over the next few days, we mutually avoided each other at school. Also, I was pretty much distracted by the new developments in my life --- new friends, Male friends, boys approaching me for either love or friendship if not relationship adult talks, slangs, gossiping, comparing my alma mater with my new school, etc.

Oh,did I mention- studies? Yeah,academics- that's new too- too new- I've taken up SCIENCE. English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics.

And I can already feel the brunt of it. I still feel that 'molality' is nothing but slip of tongue while trying to say 'molarity '.

Also Zara's birthday is almost here, I gotta pre--

"Shreyoshi "
I swiftly turned around to look at my maths teacher squinting his eyes.
"Go to classroom 12-A and wait for me, I need some responsible kid for the upcoming match. I'm going to the principal's office. Go with him, QUICK!!"

I followed the teacher's gaze to behind me. RUDRA. I will need to go with him!

Hey lovelies!
I'm sorry that I took so long. Was caught up with some work.
Now that I'm back, I'll update regularly 😁

Hope y'all enjoying reading this. Do vote, share and comment.


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