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Some people don't have the opportunity to write down their life before they die. I don't plan to die any time soon, but it feels good to tell you everything. That green notebook is everything I wish I could say but can't.

   I know you'll be okay. I've prayed nonstop since your mom texted me.

   I saw my dad. I thought you should know. He actually worked on you. I guess he's had more to do with you than he has with me if you think of it that way. He tried to tell me he could change... I didn't really know what to say.

   Maybe he could change. Maybe he could create some sort of positive relationship between us. But that would take years and, honestly, I'm not up for that. I don't want to build something that'll only be destroyed by memories of all the times I wished I had him and didn't.

   Anyways, just read the notebook. I really need you to read it. I need someone to. I guess that's odd since only earlier today, I finished it and was so reluctant to release it. Now, I just want everyone to know. I'm sick of the guessing.

   Things will get better, but only if you're okay. You'd make fun of me for sounding cheesy. Maybe that's why I never tell you what I'm thinking! (haha) I love you, Ang.



   Angie read over the note a few times. She held the notebook, staring at the beaten, green cover. Inside were all the secrets her greatest friend had never shared. She could see everything now.

   It was strange. She wanted to know, but, at the same time, it almost seemed wrong to not have Casper there to tell her. She understood though. He never wanted to talk about it.

   She sighed heavily, pain throbbing in her side as she did so. The hospital room was dimly lit. She flipped through the pages quickly to see how many were covered in Casper's sloppy writing. How long had he worked on it?

   The cardboard cover on the back only had two names, scrawled with almost identical handwriting.

   Casper Jeremy Kade

   David Kade

   She flipped back to the first page.


   I'm sick of people asking me about myself. Maybe that's unreasonable of me, but I have legit reasons to feel this way. It's mainly because no one ever asks me because they care...

    She stopped there. He honestly thought that way? She took the phone from the stand beside her bed and texted his phone. I've always cared.

   Surely he knew that though. She hoped he knew that.


A/N- Okay, so that's it! Let me know how you feel about the entire book and especially the ending! Thank you all for reading and supporting this story! Each comment, vote or even read makes me positively giddy! Thanks so much and I hope you enjoyed The Hidden Life of Casper Kade!

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