Entry 1

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Entry 1

    I'm sick of people asking me about myself. Maybe that's unreasonable of me, but I have legit reasons to feel this way. It's mainly because no one ever asks me because they care. A good example is the rhetorical question "how are you?". I get asked that a lot but literally never answer because no one waits for it.

   Why do people always ask me "what's wrong?" and not actually care to hear? It's always just out of curiosity. How do I know? Everyone turns away or starts another conversation when they find out I don't have anything gossip-worthy to say.

   At this point, even if someone did care, I wouldn't answer them with everything. There are too many things to explain.

   I'm writing this because, like I said, I'm tired of people asking and trying to guess. Apparently, a lot of people are curious about my life but not enough to ask. I've heard a few different theories on my family especially. "Bet he's adopted." "Is that his biological dad or not?" "I wonder how they're so rich."

    Since you're all so curious, I'm going to tell you. I'm not trying to impress you, make you pity or envy me or tell me how pathetic I am. I'm only doing this so you all stop. You can stop wondering, making things up and stop assuming.

   I'll write this all down, lock it away or hide it someplace then sit back and wait until someone finds it. When they do, it's hard to tell what'll happen. I just don't care anymore. I mean, I was never exactly trying to keep my life a secret... I just never wanted to talk about it. A lot of people are like that.

   It's not like I really have anything important to share. I'm not hiding that I'm anything fantastic like in movies (you know the clichés, spy, superhero, wizard, royal etc.) You're getting my life. That's it. Obviously, that's good enough because you're all so curious. But you're only curious about my life. Not me.

   This is a little confusing, slightly contradictory and really jumbled. I'm sure it'll all come together soon.

   After you read this, all your questions should be answered. If they're not, that's too bad. I'm not going to talk past this notebook. Don't ask me in person or over the phone or anything. I won't answer. Don't waste your time. I'm done talking after this. This is all I want to say.


   Casper Kade


   Casper stared at his own words, contemplating on whether or not to just throw it away. Once he wrote his life down and released it into the world, it was there forever. Everyone would finally know about him and though he could destroy the words, he would never be able to erase the minds of anyone who would see it.

    He thought of the book The Diary of Anne Frank that he had read in seventh grade. Her diary had been published and everyone knew about her and her life. Did he want that? It's not like he was interesting enough for it to be published. So if he wasn't interesting, why did everyone want to know about him so badly?

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