Entry 3

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Entry 3

 There are a lot of people to credit for my crappy moods. I don't like stupidity and a lot of people in this world are stupid. That must be why I have a problem with the majority of the world (that makes me sound like quite the jerk...).

   To give you a good idea of what my definition of stupid is, I'll list some things:

   *Spongebob Squarepants

   *Any kids' cartoon from the year 2000 on

   *Mainstream music

   *Fads of any kind

   *Off brands

   *The U.S. government


   *Middle school dating

   *Most card games

   *The backwards R in Toys R Us.


   *High school dances (especially Prom)

   And what should be at the top of the list: Lewis.

   I truly think that I would have been better off without him. Mom says that she married him for me, so I would have a dad or at least some male figure in my life. He's only frustrated me so if that was the goal, she succeeded!

   I don't want to blame my mom. She's a great mother to Sadie and Ben. Unlike Lewis, she kisses them goodnight, listens to their stories about their day, buys them anything they pick out...

   I'm sixteen. I shouldn't care that she doesn't pay attention to me, right? Most guys would love that. I don't. Probably because we used to be really close. She used to ask me about how my day went, what was new, what I wanted to do over the weekend... Just small talk. That's more than what we do now though.

   Once Sadie got old enough to carry on a conversation and Ben was born, we were interrupted every time she tried to talk to me before work or something. So eventually, mom stopped asking me anything and I stopped offering.

   She devotes every moment at home to Ben. I guess that's unfair to Sadie too but she's so busy texting her friends and going to volleyball, they don't have a spare moment.

   I sound ridiculous but these are my thoughts. That's what you all want, isn't it?

   What I was getting to was that I think Lewis is the one who shattered our relationship. He loved me when I was younger then became jealous because my mom and I used to be close.

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