Entry 7

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Entry 7

    I was a wreck last year. Didn't know that? Well I was. It's amazing how a rumor shatters a person. I'm sure none of you cared to notice anything but the gossip. You probably invented a few theories too add to the ones already floating around.

   I already wrote that May was the prime reason for my misery. Now I'm going to tell you why. Believe me if you want, side with her if you want. I don't care.

   Even writing this is hard...

   I broke up with May because she started flirting with every guy in our school. At this time, we'd been dating... a year (?) maybe. I also found out she'd been "dating" another guy for a few months at the same time she was with me.

   How did I break up with her? She's told everyone different things. "He texted me that he thought I wasn't pretty enough", "I broke up with him", "He told me he's been with another girl and she doesn't want him with me."

   None of that is true. I called her one evening after school after putting a couple hours of thought into it. "May, I know you're with Austin so I don't think you and I should be together anymore."

   "No, I'm not with anyone else. I love you, Casper."

   "It won't work. I'm sorry."

   I won't write the things she called me. She screamed every insult and profanity she could come up with. She begged me not to break up with her and I hated doing it.

   There were reasons I wanted to stay with her. We used to have fun together. That was until about 8 months through our relationship. That's about when she started up with Austin too. She became really prissy, always pretending she was this uppity, high-class, hoity-toity. She started acting like dirt was the plague and walked like a constipated model. I hated her new antics but didn't suspect anything unusual. I guess I thought she was just trying to fit in since we had just started high school.

   I told her I didn't like it. "Like what?" she asked in her new, babyish voice. I guess the best word to describe her is 'fake'.

   I know Austin. He's a jock who only dates girls that mold to his standards. I should've seen that's what she was doing.

   Anyway, after I broke up with her she started talking. Her stories spread like wildfire and each one was targeted to make me miserable.

   There was the story of how I cheated on her. Then how I didn't know how to love someone. How I was mentally abusive and called her fat, ugly, stupid and worse. Then there was the one of how I had "issues". I was bipolar, depressed, had anger issues. And those aren't the worst. The worst was the one about how I beat her.

   Naturally, that one stirred people. Someone had beat her alright: her freaking bicycle. I was there when she wrecked it and got stitches in her forehead, cuts on her face and arms, and had a swollen eye. Somehow she had flipped it when we rode on a trail and it was really bad.

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