Entry 8

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Entry 8

 Right after the May incident (well actually, during I guess) I met Angie. That's among the best things that have ever happened to me.

  You would never know it to look at her, but Angie claims she used to be super fragile emotionally. I wouldn't write this but she says it's no secret.

   Before I knew her, she said she had trouble fitting in. She's really short (sorry, Ang, you are.) and always has been. Not only that, but I guess girls actually consider some other girls 'too skinny'. Not once have I heard those words uttered out of a girl's mouth but okay.

   So scrawny little Angie was always picked on. In eighth grade, she was dared to jump off the top of the slide at the park. If you haven't been to this park (everyone in town has) then I'll tell you this: there isn't a playground slide in the county that's higher. This thing shouldn't even be legal.

   They told Angie if she jumped, they'd leave her alone because she'd be proving she's not the little runt she looked like. Those were her words, not mine.

  Angie's a natural born daredevil so of course, she accepted and climbed to the very top. Her description: "I was so sick looking down from there but their cheers nagged me and I knew if I didn't do it, I'd never hear the end of it. So I jumped."

   Long story short, she broke her femur and wrist. It's a straight up miracle that she wasn't worse off. Afterwards, the ridicule only increased. She became the most insecure person ever.

   During her junior year, I moved up to high school. We had a couple classes together but didn't talk. Me being a freshmen probably wasn't appealing to her.

  Angie says she watched me over a couple months during that worst year of my life. She paid attention to how I handled the gossip, how I handled May and just my personality.

   Finally, she decided to talk to me.

   "How are you so confident?"

   I was confused by the question. I wasn't confident at all. I told her that.

   "Well you seem like it."

   "I'm just opinionated and actually know the truth."

   "I believe you."

   I had never really paid attention to her until then. We ended up talking every day and we didn't argue about hardly anything. It was pleasant things. Jokes.  Real conversation.

   Within a week I considered her my greatest friend and she outwardly told me the same thing. She told me I'm like her 'sometimes annoying, mostly mature, little brother'. And I told her she was like my 'always annoying, never mature older sister'. It was a lie though. She knew that and did her snort/giggle laugh thing she does.

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