Us. *

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We were together,
And they didn't matter.
So I never
Thought about the latter.

Then you said, "I'm seeing someone."
And my heart filled with fears.
I thought I was the one,
But for you, I hid my tears.

I said that was fine, I'd be alright,
My ears rung like a gong,
And I stayed up all night,
Wondering, "Where did I go wrong?"

You smiled at me
And I smiled back.
But when you left the tears fell free,
And my tight heart strings went slack.

I locked myself away,
Listening to silence.
Love held no sway,
Too tired for violence.

I'm still tired,
My heart still hurting.
Yet my soul is still fired,
Sick of yearning.

A book of poetryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ