I Don't Even Know. *

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Take my hand
And slit my wrist.
Ignore me and
I won't exist.

Cross your t's
And dot your i's.
Just leave me be.
Just let me die.

Caress my cheek
And break my neck.
I'm so weak.
I'm such a wreck.

I'm a mess.
Don't deny it.
Nothing more, nothing less.
I'm done, I quit.

You can't save me.
No one is able to.
Soon I'll leave.
You can be you.

Please forget me.
I'm not worth the pain.
Let me be
A ghost with no face, no name.

It's been 7 years.
7 long, painful years.
I'm not worth your tears.
I'm made of nothing but fears.

Nightmares haunt my sleep.
And demons plague my every waking hour.
I never want to seem weak.
So I only cry in the shower.

I am broken, shattered and smashed.
I pray to a god that doesn't exist.
I ask for this day to be my last.
It's just a stupid wish.

No one is there.
No one is watching.
Nobody cares.
Either that, or I'm not worth saving.

I'll go to Hell,
If there even is one.
If not, oh well.
I'll just be gone.

Forget me.
Forget I was ever here.
Don't think about me.
I'm not worth your tears.

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