Atheism. *

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I hate it when people say,
"Oh, you're an atheist?
What keeps you from murdering and rape?"
I get pissed.

You think that because I don't believe in your bullshit holy man,
I have no concept of right and wrong?
It's shit like that that I can't stand.
Don't get me wrong,

I'm not saying everyone with religion is like that.
I understand most of you
Couldn't give less of a crap.
But there are a few.

There are a few religious nuts,
Who say that if I don't believe I'll go to Hell.
No ifs, ands, or buts,
It's my fault, so oh well.

They don't get it.
I don't believe in your Devil.
I couldn't give less of a shit.
If they send me to a nonexistent Hell.

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