Not What You Think. *

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Red scars that line these hips.
Dark secrets that coat these lips.

Deep pain that shadows these eyes.
Soft pillows that muffle these cries.

False smiles that hide these tears.
Glassy eyes that conceal these fears.

A gentle touch to say hello.
Who I am he'll never know.

Tears drip down my feminine face.
I simply want to leave this place.

I want to stand out and I want to fit in.
No matter what I do, I can't ever win.

I am a boy and I am a girl.
I am a genderfluid, trapped in this world.

I am all genders and I am none.
Please tell me I'm not the only one.

I am tired and I am worn.
There are times I wish I was never born.

Don't tell me it's a phase,
Or that I'll be okay.

Don't tell me I can't change,
Or that I'm insane.

I am a genderfluid and I am true.
If you don't like it, well, screw you.

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