Mirror. *

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Mirror mirror,
On the wall.
Who's the most fucked up
Of them all?

Mirror mirror,
On the floor.
Who falls apart
behind locked doors?

Mirror mirror,
On the ground.
Who's the one
On which they all look down?

Broken mirror,
Shattered below me.
Stop telling lies,
Lying about what you see.

Cold mirror,
Smashed apart.
You're a liar,
Breaking my heart.

I know I'm not
The girl you show.
Why you show these things,
I do not know.

Mirror mirror,
You're an ass.
Stop telling falsehoods,
You piece of glass.

Mirror mirror,
Do I really look that way?
Oh my god,
My skin is so gray.

Mirror mirror,
I hope my hair is not really that flat.
My eyes are kinda uneven...
I wish I didn't look like that.

Mirror mirror,
You were right.
Maybe I am ugly,
This is my plight.

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