End. *

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Slit my wrists,
Hope to die.
I really wish
You wouldn't cry.

The floor is turning red,
Stained with my blood.
I wish I was dead,
I wish to drown in a flood.

I'll put a bullet in my brain,
Maybe dangle from the ceiling fan.
I'll walk in front of a bus or train,
Or take all the pills that I can.

I'll take a step off the ledge,
Or set myself on fire.
I've gone off the edge,
I'm not a liar.

I'll end my own story,
Before the world can do it.
But please don't worry,
I'm finally somewhere that I fit.

Go enjoy your life,
Forget about me.
Find a wife,
Raise a family.

This is for the best,
I'm doing what I must.
I'm going to rest,
Find a place to trust.

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