I don't wanna be here. *

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I don't wanna be here.
I don't wanna be anywhere.
This world fills me with fear.
Stay? I wouldn't dare.

I'm so empty inside,
Alone with my mind.
Thoughts I have to hide,
Lest they find.

Find the truth about me,
Why I hate myself.
Find the truth about me,
Why I don't give a shit about my health.

I'm tired of trying,
Tired of hatred.
Tired of dying,
Tired of feeling dead.

Why do I hate myself, you ask.
Because I'm shit, that's why.
Today should be my last,
I want to die.

People, they say,
"Just be happy!"
"It'll be okay!"

That's not how it works,
You ignorant shits.
Everything hurts,
You fucking twits.

I can't just be okay,
I can't just be great.
I can't even go a day,
Without self hate.

There is a girl,
She lives in my head.
Her name is Self Hate,
And she wants me dead.

Do you understand why I don't want to be here?
Why I don't want to be anywhere?
Now alone with my fear,
Stay? I wouldn't dare.

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