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"Without Xavier, you'll probably be miserable."

"I bet you can't imagine a life without him"

"You're right. I can't."



"I'm so happy you're awake, Tori!" The woman, my mother, said - more like shouted- in joy on her seat. Luckily she didn't attempt to hug me again because the first one didn't really end so well.

"You had us worried, honey." Then said the man with a smile. His voice still affects my nerves in a different way.

Maybe my suspicion and irritation for them is normal. It was the same for Xavier. The only thing different now was that Dr. Kneedman didn't leave me alone with them. He and Xavi were standing behind them, guarding their every move. I couldn't blame them. I guess any doctor would be furious if you cause their patient to faint.

I only looked at Xavi and he looked back at me worriedly too. It was only now that thousands of questions came flying through my mind. Why did they only arrive now? Who are they? Why didn't they visit me earlier? Where have they been? What have they been doing?

Can I trust them?

They're my parents, right? Of course I can trust them- right?

My mother tried to grab my hand, but I pulled it away from her then glaring. I think it's a reflex I do when people I don't trust attempt to touch me. I remember doing the same to Xavi, "A proper introduction would be nice before anything else." I also remember asking the same question to him too.

Of course I remember everything that happened to me these past few days. They were the only memories I have.

"Young lady! Just because you lost your memories, doesn't mean you can talk to me like that!" My jaw literally dropped and my eyebrows furrowed when she scolded me instead of introducing herself. Saying her name is much easier then giving me a lecture.

"Mrs. Shigure, it's a defense mechanism. She doesn't remember everything. You have to introduce yourself." Dr. Kneedman stated rather strictly. I couldn't understand why he was so firm with my parents while he was so kind to Xavier. Was it because they were friends?

"Ugh. Okay fine!" My 'mother' then stated, rolling her eyes. I suddenly felt the urge of stopping that habit of mine, "I'm Clarys Shigure, your beloved Mama." She grabbed my hand, this time she made sure got it, then she placed it on her gigantic chest as if she was trying to place my hand where her heart should be. I grimaced on the inside, but I tried to be nice- she was supposed to be my mother after all.

I then turned to the man, "And you are?"

He crossed his arms and legs and sat at a very boss-like position. Just the sight of it drained the color from my face - and I don't know why.

"I am Hido Shigure, your father. I'm glad you're okay, Toriko."

They talked to me, but they didn't ask questions like 'are you okay?' Or 'how are you feeling?' No, they just talked; talked about their business trip to Tokyo, how my 'dad' was able to seal the deal with some investors and how my mom got to walk in a runway. They left nothing out from the sushi to their jetlag. Their stories were boring me, but I somehow developed a fear of being rude to them, which was weird because I really feel comfortable with Xavier no matter what I say to him.

I looked at Xavi, Dr. Kneedman had already left a few minutes back. He was just standing there watching me, still looking concerned.

Was he really my father's friend? They haven't said a word to each other since they arrived.

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