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"Since you described Xavier, let me describe Kendrich. He's a jerk that loves to be a wise guy and he has these corny jokes all the time! He doesn't run out of anything to say, and if he does, he laughs! He literally just laughs."

"He's charming and hilarious really. This guy right here is just jealous."

"I told you, I'm not jealous of Ken!"



First he was charming, then he was a jerk, then he was hilarious, now he was a laughing lunatic. I remember asking him a very serious question, and yet he's laughing like there's no tomorrow. He even threw his head back and held his stomach.

"Hey! Stop it! Don't laugh at me!" I demanded as I slapped his arm, he just brushed me off.

"Honestly, Toriko. I know you have amnesia and all, but it's just so funny to hear that from you!" He started another batch of laughs. Though it was annoying, it was pretty contagious too.

"Why don't you enlighten me, would you?" I attempted to slap him again, but this time he dodged.

"Uh, uh, uh, Toriko. That's enough hurt for this guy in a morning," he just shook his finger at me.

I threw my hands up in a surrender. There was just no beating this guy. I don't know when we started having competition of 'who has the last say' but we had it, and he easily won. It was as if he wasn't even trying.

"Can you start telling me about myself already? It'll keep me from punching or slapping you."

He shrugged his shoulders,"Fair enough." See? He always has the last word. After our trip down memory lane, I'm going to make sure that he's not going to win over me again.

"Let's start with my view on you, almighty Toriko," Ken pointed his finger at me and gave me a teasing smile, "You are a fiesty, noisy, loud, demanding girl that gets on my nerves because you can keep up with me in everything. Knowledge is the only thing we're not in the same level in, but everything else, we're head to head. It doesn't help that we're rich. We were almost alike that we competed on everything and anything. No one could win and no one could lose. We were starting to kill each other!"

He made weird gestures as he told the story, making it look more silly than he had intended it to be. Honestly, by the way he told everything, it didn't seem like we were close friends.

"So we hate each other?" I asked unsure, a part of me warned me not to ask that for - reasons.

"Smart girl, really?" He looked at me like I was dumb, which is exactly the reason why I didn't want to ask in the first place, "You should have sensed my love for you in that description." I didn't know if he was being sarcastic or truthful, but the word 'love' was so powerful it made me tight lipped.

The way he said love though doesn't make my own heart skip a beat or anything, it just makes me really embarrassed and flustered, it was as if he was just using it to tease me. For some reason, I didn't seem to mind.

"Okay, so we are lovers. It makes sense. You are my fiance after all." I pushed, he just groaned.

"Smart girl, really? Are you doing this on purpose?"

I shrugged my shoulders. I wouldn't be doing anything in the first place if he just told me straight.

"Okay, Uno, no. We are not lovers. We are simply too awesome for each other and I know you know it even with your amnesia." He held up a finger and it looked more like he was accusing me of something rather than counting, "And, Dos, this fiancé business- it's nothing to us. We have been trying to get this cancelled since day five of our friendship."

"Day five? What happened to the first four days?" I asked.

"We were still getting used to the whole 'not killing each other thing' but anyway, that's that. Plus, I have a girlfriend and you have a - what did you guys call it? A more than friends, less than lovers relationship with a dork." He explained obnoxiously as I stared at him in disbelief.

I had someone I liked? Somehow the idea of it didn't sound too shocking. Who is he though?

"Judging by the way you describe him, you must not like him." I said.

Ken only snickered, "Oh, it's the other way around, Toriko. I think he's okay, but he feels so insecure around me that we sometimes end up arguing."

"Knowing you, you even provoke him," I said out loud. He just laughed.

"You got me. Lover boy just doesn't want to lose you."

I couldn't help but feel warm inside knowing that someone loved me like that. I smile just escaped my lips.

"Thinking about Andrew?" I snapped towards him only to see him smiling at me warmly. So Andrew's the name of the boy? I also remember him mentioning him earlier.
"Andrew and Reah." I breathed out. Somehow, those names sounded awfully familiar with my voice.

"Hi, I'm Andrew and this my childhood friend, Reah."
"Nice to meet you, Toriko."

A wave of headaches passed through my mind and I felt my brain throbbing again. I dropped the peanut butter sandwich and clasp my head like my life depended on it.

The voices sounded so familiar. I have heard them somewhere before. In the classroom? By the cliff? I heard their voices somewhere on the street, on a street where there were a lot of cars, where the cars were honking loudly.

Then a crash.


I snapped out again. I slowly turned to Ken who had both his hands on my shoulders as he stared at me worriedly.

"Oh, what?" I gathered up my composure again and sat up properly, trying to reach for a glass of milk.

"You were shouting. What happened?" Ken's voice went from confident to scared. My sudden panic attack might have startled him a little bit.

"I was? Oh, sorry. I've been getting those panic attack since I woke up from my coma."

Ken looked at me still concerned. I sighed, drank up my milk and gave him a big, hard pat on the back; he almost fell on the table.

"I'm fine now, don't worry."

"No, you're not."

I snapped towards him to only see him still looking concerned and scared, even if he was slumped on the table. He reached out for my hand, and he grabbed it protectively.

His actions mystified me, even his words.

"Toriko, you've gotten much worse."

Blue Sky (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now