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"Then there's Kendrich! Kendrich is so cool!"

"Well, yeah. Cool. Because the four of us are cool."

"Oh, you're just jealous."



It was a great sleep, but then I woke up in the middle of the night. I slept through the whole day. I'm pretty sure that's not what Dr. Kneedman wanted for me.

My room turned to a darkish violet coat under the moonlight that came from my room. It was quiet, too quiet it made me uneasy. I only have myself to blame, I guess. Who would be awake in such an unholy hour?

I tried to go back to sleep, my attempt to fix my biological time clock. I don't want to add insomia to my problem. Unfortunately I couldn't even sleep a wink. I think I've rested enough, I wasn't tired anymore, I was hungry.

I slept through breakfast, lunch and dinner. I can't believe myself. I won't just get insomia, I might get an ulcer too.

I shifted in my bed, putting my feet down on the carpeted floor, it felt cold to the touch, it sent shivers through my whole body. I looked at how far my wheelchair was. It wasn't that far really, four to five steps could do it. But then I remembered that my room wasn't on the ground floor. Can I take the stairs? Would my legs be able to handle it?

My stomach grumbled, signifying I had no choice.

I did some stretchings before walking - doctor's orders - and the first five steps weren't as hard as I dreaded them to be. I do feel my muscles being tense, but other than that I was great. I then wheeled myself towards the grand staircase. It was a little dim in the hallways but nothing I couldn't handle. I do regret imagining that I was in a haunted house because it made me hear creeks around me and see shadows out of nowhere - it's just my imagination, I'm sure of it.

I reached the grand staircase and I just gulped at how it looked harder than five steps.

My stomach grumbled again. No fear can stop a hungry stomach.

C'mon, I'm smart, I thought. There must be a way for me to get down without injuring myself or possibly getting myself into the hospital again.

I could crawl down, no one will be here to see me do it anyway, but how about my wheelchair? While I crawl, I pull it with me? That would be difficult.

I could ride my wheelchair down. No. I'm going to get myself killed.

I could start doing what Dr. Kneedman told me. Start practicing your limbs, he said. I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to start with stairs but now's the time I needed my legs the most. He said one step at a time, then maybe I'll just rest every other step. Then it brings me back to my wheelchair. It's not really that heavy, but in a steep like our grand staircase, it would be hard to keep it in place when I rest.

Would it break if I threw- I mean, let it slide down? Would it make a lot of noise? If it did, would people in the house stir? Are they heavy sleepers or light sleepers?

Only one way to find out I guess.

I stood next to the staircase's railings and let my wheelchair slide down. At first it was okay, not much sounds that echoed through the empty room, but when it reached the bottom, it skipped and got launched far away. It made a big crashing sound, but it wasn't as loud as I thought it would be. It would be much worse if it hit a vase or something. Plus it wasn't broken. I couldn't help but snicker.

Hey, it might not be the brightest thing I did - considering that I'm supposed to be a super genius - but I wanted to throw something or hear something crash. At least I'm not the only one who's experiencing something bad. Call it something to bent out my inner frustrations. It helped a lot.

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