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He said that it was enough talking for the day, he said that he was tired. I would have believed him if he didn't carry me up the stairs on his back with a wheelchair in hand. He was obviously more worried about me than himself, all because I had to have a sudden panic attack. And I was getting answers too.

So I was left alone in my room, wide awake with roughly five hours until the traditional seven in the morning wake up call. I wasn't hungry, but I was bored.

Then I thought of drawing.

I walked towards my girly pink study table and searched for some art materials. I was in my room, I was expecting to find artworks in frames, portfolios, sketch dumps. I only found two pencils, an eraser and a stack of books about business- hidden at that. That was awfully weird.

It was as if I haven't drawn anything but the drawings on my nostalgia s-pad - decided to call it that while Ken and I were talking. Even if that was the most possible conclusion at this moment, it was still hard to believe. Surely with my talent, I would have drawn a lot; I would have drawn for money, for fun, for my friends and for my family. Even for no apparent reason, I draw. Even without memories I draw.

Maybe I have my own artroom? Possibly.

All will hopefully be answered after seven am.

There was four hours and fifty five minutes to go.



Ken came for me at ten. TEN! It's not him I'm mad at, it's the fact that no one other than him came to get me! It was a good thing I had a midnight snack or else I would be starving. It was not-so early in the morning and I was already in a sour mood.

"I shouldn't have over slept," said Ken as he wheeled me out of my room, "I'm so sorry, Toriko."

"Don't be. I want to talk to my parents." I demanded.

Ken fell silent for a moment, before he could even force the answer out, "They- aren't here."

I put the breaks of my wheelchair and turned to him completely in disbelief, "Not here? Are you serious?"

He didn't answer, meaning yes, he was serious.

I couldn't believe it. My parents forcefully discharged me out of the hospital only to not take care of me or at least have a maid or a butler to check on me once I'm at home?! I'm extremely furious.

"Hey Ken, I can trust you, right?" I asked him without even facing him. I didn't want him to see my murderous expression.

"Of course you can, smart girl," he confidently answered, and it was enough to put my nerves at ease, but not my emotions.

"Then tell me truthfully, do I hate my parents?"

He walked, squatted in front of me and held my knees, looking in my eyes seriously. "You hate them with all your being." His voice showed no restraint and I was so sure he was saying the truth.

I wasn't so surprised too.

"Are you hungry, Toriko?" He suddenly asked as he went back to wheeling me to wherever.

"Not really. Dr. Kneedman would tell me to still eat though." I answered.

"Oh, so your doctor is Mr. Kneedman. Lucky you." He said rather happily, changing the atmosphere.

"You know him?"

"Of course I do. He's always at Xavier's cafe with his wife." He answered.

"You know Xavi too?!" It was pretty surprising that he knew two of the few people I trusted, and much convinient too.

Blue Sky (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now