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"Let's see... Oh! I know! Let's start with Xavier! He's probably the first person that ever mattered to you."



I sat on the bed as I watched the conversation between a doctor and the man who suddenly visited me. I hugged the sketch pad on my chest ever so tightly. Somehow it made me feel safer and calmer.

He called me 'Toriko,' the man called me that name. A stranger called me with a name that didn't sound familiar to me at all. What was worse was that I couldn't even remember my own name. In fact, I couldn't recall a single memory! I tried to remember why I was here in the hospital, but I couldn't. I tried to remember something else- like any other special happening in my life, but nothing popped into mind. I can recollect all necessary pieces of information like how to add and spell and stuff, but not any memory I want to remember.

It was certainly terrifying to know nothing about yourself and what kind of world you live in, but I couldn't do a thing about it even if I wanted to. For now, all I could was stay in place and wait. I was completely vulnerable therefore if I do anything risky, it might not end well.

Though the doctor and the stranger were talking outside and the door was closed, I could understand their conversation almost perfectly through the clear glass. Seemed like I could read lips. I wonder how long I studied that skill, along with my drawing skills, too. Surely I had a lot of free time.

The doctor said I had an accident concerning a taxi. My body was injured but nothing could compare to the damage I got to my head. The impact behind my head was too hard that it caused me my memory loss.

The stranger was speechless. The only thing he could do was nod in understanding.

The two of them came in and I rose my guard. I hugged the sketchpad in my arms and glared at the two of them as they came near. They both approached me with a chair in hand, placed it beside my bed and sat down. I once again nudge to the farthest side of the bed. I'm sure they saw how uneasy I was, that was why they avoided doing anything so sudden.

The doctor started with a simple question, "How are you feeling?" He asked with a smile. Usually it would have made any patient calmer, but not me. If anything, it made me more skeptical.

Though I was very hesitant, I still answered with a simple 'fine.'

"Do you know why you're here?" Was the next question.

With that, I actually thought about if I should answer or not. I mean, were they trustable people? Sure, because I'm in a hospital I guess I could trust the doctor. But how about the other man? I knew nothing about him, well except for the fact that he was in the sketchpad. But what does that exactly mean?

"Toriko?" Upon the mention of the name, I was brought back to reality and a streak of anxiousness develops in my chest. I faced the two men beside my bed and saw how worried they looked. To end it, I just decided to tell.

The doctor was surprised. I already knew about my own accident despite my memory loss and, in addition, my explanation was very detailed too -it's because I stated what he exactly said a while ago behind the door. The man was surprised too but it didn't last long as the doctor. He even started looking kind of happy.

"How did she-?" The doctor couldn't even continue his statement because of disbelief.

"I think she read our lips through the door's glass, doctor." The man chuckled. The sound of his gentle laugh made me feel a whole lot better than I did before. The anxiety that I had a while ago was magically lifted off my chest and for the very first time since I woke, I was able to breathe properly.

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