Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven


"And after I asked him that question, he said, This Engagement." I told Mitsuri what happened yesterday.

She squealed as she tightens her grip on my arm. The people at the restaurant looked at us before she apologized.

"Shinobu! He finds your engagement beautiful!" She said in a high-pitched tone.

"But he finds it bothering!" I told her.

"But it's a beautiful bother, according to him. It's obvious he is slowly accepting this." She remarked with a wistful tone. Why on earth would I ask the help of this self-proclaimed love expert? Her thoughts are entirely consumed by romantic daydreams.

"He is an airhead, and he probably didn't mean it!" I said.

"Okay, whatever you say, Shinobu." Mitsuri said while giggling. Our food then arrived and we ate. We talked about other stuffs as she teases me with Giyu from time to time.

"Please! You two are going to be married soon! At least develop some feelings!" She said.

"No way!" I said while shaking my head. I can't picture myself getting close to that man or even liking him, let alone developing strong love for him! I really hope that we won't be engaged to each other for much longer. But oh my! My clinic, my future career! The deal I had with my parents!

I massaged my head thinking about this through and through.

"I mean, he is not bad, he is a nice guy with ambitions. He is also really gorgeous, based on the photos in his socials. He seems like a quiet guy too!" She said.

I rolled my eyes at what she said, while Mitsuri giggled and laughed.

"I really want a dreamy guy too!" She said.

"You'll find yours very soon." I told her while eating my sushi.

When we were in the middle of conversing as the sun was beginning to drop, my phone called and interrupted our conversation.

"Hello mom!" I greeted.

"Hello, I have some legal documents Giyu needs to sign ASAP, I forgot to give these to him. Can you fetch these from the Hospital and ask him to sign it? I need it tonight, before ten. I am really sorry for the bother, baby. If I can do it for you, then I would but there's an emergence at my patient at the hospital." She explained, I can hear her panting, as if she was running.

"Oh, yes yes! I am fine with it, mom! No worries."

I told Mitsuri at what I have to do, she asked if she could come and I allowed her.

Giyu was not home since it's a Sunday, and it wasn't rainy unlike yesterday.

So, he is probably at his parents' house. This is my first time visiting his parents' house. And I am really nervous for some reasons. I drove the car and Mitsuri was at the passenger seat because she feels nauseous sitting at the shotgun.

We first drop by at the hospital, I went to mum's office, she said it was just somewhere at her table.

I texted my mom telling her I got the documents which is in an envelope. I am curious in knowing what is contained within this, but I am not a prying person and I value people's right to privacy.

"So, this is your first time going to your future husbands' house?" Mitsuri asked behind me as I drive.

"Yeah, and he already went to mines, I mean, my parents' house! The first time we met." I said. She laughed.

The size of his neighborhood made it difficult for us to navigate at first, and we were lost, but it's a good thing that his family is well known in the area.

We were greeted with a tropical-style home with a high-pitched slope-y roof. The colors of the sinking sun were reflected beautifully by the several windows that were there. The other side of the sky is now dark and covered with stars.

I parked my car beside the fountain.

"He is wealthy." Mitsuri commented.

"Yeah." I mumbled as I look around the place inside the car.

We were about to get down when their huge doors open and two men got out. One I recognize was Tomioka.

"Oh, let's go down. He is there." I said as I pointed at Tomioka, and beside him was... The guy named Obanai, the one from before at school.

Me and Mitsuri got down from the car. I was holding the folder with the documents.

We made our way toward the area where the two men were standing and were engaged in conversation about something. Mitsuri was taken aback by the beauty of the house's exterior in its entirety.

After what he had said the day before, I bit my lips together and tried to muster up the bravery to call him.

"Tomioka." I called him. He looked surprised when he spotted me. "I came here because mum needs your signature now, I think it's the engagement papers."

"Why are you here?" He asked, ignoring what I just said. I smiled easing my annoyance, aside from feeling awkward facing him, I am also annoyed at his selective hearing.

"I said, mom needs your signature in these documents."

"You came here."

"Yes, I came here because this needs to be passed as soon as possible."

He stared at me, and suddenly I felt so conscious under his piercing gaze. I looked away. Mitsuri was standing beside me.

"So uhm, if that is Tomioka, then who is that?" She asked while pointing at... Obanai was it?

"Iguro Obanai." The man offered his hand to Mitsuri.

Mitsuri smiled at him and shook his hands.

"Please sign these now, I need to give this back to mom."

"It's already night time, I'll be doing that." He said. "I'm driving you home, and I'll be giving this to your mom." He said while getting the papers from my hand.

"Just read it and sign it, you don't have-"

"I will do it." He cut me off, insisting.

"Okay fine." I said, giving up.

"I'll be driving your car. I'm sorry if I cannot tour you around the house today." He said. I just nodded at him.

"I'll be dropping Obanai at his house, if it's okay with you?" He asked. I just nodded.

"Yeah, it's fine no worries, we have to drop Mitsuri too." I said, pointing at my friend who is being stared by Obanai. Mitsuri is oblivious to his gazes.

We then walked back towards my car, and the sun has fully set.

Obanai and Giyu was silent throughout the walk towards my car. And Mitsuri was asking me a few things.

I was about to open the driver's seat when I remember Giyu will be driving. I gave him my keys and he was looking at me.

Why is he staring at me a lot of times recently! It is making me feel awkward against him. Anyways, I am just avoiding his gazes.

I was about to walk towards the shotgun seat when he held my elbow.

"When you are planning to go to my home, text me before hand." He said. I smirked, trying to hide the weird feeling in my stomach.

"Oh, Tomioka-san, if you are hiding girls or what, it's fine." I joked. He didn't seem amused at all; he was just staring at me the whole time.

"I am not hiding any girls,"

"It's totally fine!" I joked again because his gazes were making me feel nervous for some reason.

"You are my fiancée, and I am concerned of you. So please, listen to me when I say I don't have any girls."

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