Eri's story

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I still remember how I met Eri. She also told me what happened to her and everything. I knew her past. She was like an open book for me. It was because I knew her past that I tried everything I could to make them feel better. I had to. The world owed it to them and if no one was about to do anything then I was certainly the one person doing it.

I still can't believe that someone with such a big heart and soo cute had such a tragic past.

Eri was a little girl running down this alley away from Overhaul. I heard that she was held captive and used for a lot of experiences. She told me that she hated being used to make dugs. She hated knowing that people were suffering because of her and she hated all of the blood and scars she had to endure.

I still remember when I meet her the first time. Her arms and legs were covered in scars and bruises as well as cuts. It was heart tearing to see her like that.

I am just glad I found her.

They both are good kids.

They just had bad luck.

Who knows maybe one needs this bad luck to gain something better?

I am sure their furute will be a lot brighter.

I remember hearing about Overhauls quirk and it made me just more furious. That jerk could have healed her and treasured a small kid like Eri but instead he decided to use her and make her feel like a bug.

Oh how I wished to kill that bitch.

Such a lovedly child and he dared to do that to her.

It was part why I decided to be an information broker for the heroes. I couldn't stand knowing what the world did to my two little angels. It was the worst. I knew my own past was bad but again I knew that I would be treated like this because I was quirkless but these kids had a fute and a good quirk. All they needed was guidance and instead of giving them that, they were shunt and hurt.

Anyways I remember her telling me that she run away and run into a bubbly girl and Sir Nighteye. However she panicked and ran away from them. 

Oh how scared she must have been. I remember the first time I ran away before I was abandoned. The scars from being mistreated are deep and I am just glad that I found her in time.

What would have even happened to her?

I still remember that day when I met her. She was holding this cardboard box above her little head, completly shivering in the snow and she was soo thin. It was 2 months after I got rid of my family and managed to open tha cafe too.

Back then I used to walk out in the evening just to relax and think about what I could do to get more customers in. It was this cute little sneeze that made me even look towards her and find her little body collapsing. 

It broke my heart and I was soo panicked when I saw her too. It was a chatastrophy. I tried everything to wake her up and I was just glad I managed to wake her.

She looked soo weak.

So vulnerable.

So young and so desperate.

I could see it in her eyes.

She gave up on the world. They were not glittering but just looking at me in fear. 

That look she gave me hurt me soo much. 

No one should have had the gaze she had in her eyes.

She was way too young for that.

It was because of that that I picked her up. I didn't had to know what happened to her but I knew that if she would be staying out in this cold, she would die very soon.

I didn't wanted that.

No one deserved such a fate after all.

It was cold and she was soo small and young too. I just felt like seeing myself when I looked into her eyes. I knew the feeling she was exerpiencing. I was at such a point in my life too. My mother threw me out sometimes only for me to stay out for a week or 2 days till I got to hungry or thirsty and returned. I tried running away but always ended up going back.

Now imagine someone with a quirk and being abandoned.

It broke my heart and as I picked her up and started walking to my cafe, I had tears running down my cheel. I tried stayin cheerful but I couldn't.

I knew how she felt.

I knew all to well.

And it was up to me to change that.

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