★ chapter six★

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Indigo Evans.

Shopping with Aurora was fun, we went to a shop that was not thift shop, I have bought clothes for us in thift shops since it's cheaper and there's more options. It's  was a fun day of buying clothes, having ice cream and Mcdonald's and I feel like a Star anytime I make her smile so much

Traffic in California was much today, my head has been on the steering wheel for the past ten minutes and the line hasn't moved and I'm getting tired and Aurora also is getting tired of sitting down but it trying to make out of the exhausting-

"Mommy, What's this word?". She calls my attention, I remove my head from the steering and glanced at the board

There was something in that board that did something to me, It has been a while since I saw him or since the time we had spent together making Aurora when- He makes me feel like I'm a teenager again.

"Mommy, why did you turn red?". Aurora asked, my cheeks grow warmer, I turn to her like she thinks her mother was a pervert from staring at a picture of a man.

"I have allergies, Which word are you_".

"That one". She cuts me off, she points at a word which was identified as hockey. I say the word, she nods to me satisfaction eyes goes back to the picture of him.

I look back at the photo and I felt fuzzy. maybe the food that I just eat that didn't
sit well with my stomach or seeing him all these years made me. brightest smile  award should go to him"Mommy, are you okay?".Aurora ask tapping me and I break out of my trance.

"I'm planning to buy the toothpaste". I lied since he's advertising a toothpaste brand and Aurora looks at the photo

"But we have toothpaste at home".

"Doesn't mean we can't buy more".

My daughter looks at me with a skeptical look and the bill board again"Mommy, you are acting weird". She calls me out.

"Yes. It's good to be prepared right?".

"Yes but we have lots of toothpaste". She adds.

"Fine,We aren't going to buy more". I say before going back to the driver's seat and I rest my head on the steering wheel.

"This sucks". I muttered to myself. I still had feelings for him after all this years and my mind goes to the night we spent to_

His lips pressed on mine. His tucks one strand of hair behind my ear before he goes

"Mommy". Aurora taps me again, she point at the people and their horning goes in my ear making me start the car.

There was no more traffic jam, I parked outside and I told Aurora to go inside and put the food in the pantry. She takes all we have bought and entered the house.

"Indigo Gianna Evans, you can't still have a crush on him at this stage of life.". I said to myself slamming my head on the steering and winced from how hard that was.

I take my phone and go to Google. He must be famous now since he's on billboards. I wait until google brings out his name"He's now In NHL". I said not suprise since it was his dream.

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