★chapter eleven★

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August Costello.

Some people described their best moment in life with materials things or not, those moments that are the most precious to us. My best moment is that night we spent. Me and her. We made jokes before we did any thing and she had the prettiest laugh that I have heard and her brown eyes were killers.

But us being skin to skin with each other is the memories that always puts a smile on my face. It make me remember how she felt, how she taste and her reaction to any thing we did that night, she's responsive.

Her tiny arms wrapped around my neck and her head buried on my neck as she ride me. Her hair sticking to her back and fore_ head with heavy pants and moans leaving her lips anything I hit that spot of hers. I remove her head from my neck and put my hand to squish her cheek together. her pink lips begging to be kissed and I kissed them,  she didn't taste like strawberries, coffee or pantries but she tasted of something unique  and intoxicating with some dash of alcohol making her even more intoxicating.

"Good......Girl". I pant when I see my climax coming faster than I want it to. I grip her hip and slammed her into me.

"O_on_ly for you". She pants with a few"yes". Leaving her lips when she tried to match my pace and eventually gets there.

Bing dong

There was no bell in my room that night

My trance are brought to the utter end, I look at the door before walking to it. My heart beat quickens immediately and he shoves me to the side "Dad?".

"Why are their chips on your shirt? Are you eating junk food now?".He question

"Coach said we can have a rest day".

"What? He yells, my eyes goes to my mom who nods to me not to argue and my  eyes trailed back to my father.

"You're a NHL hockey player, why would he give you a break? Get in your gear and go to training area". He adds

"Maddox, Leave him. How are you my son? You are literally glowing?". She add pinching my cheek and kissing my them

"Elizabeth, Don't interfere. August, gear up and meet me in your training ring".

I rolled my eyes, He always likes to boss me when it came to my career. He want to be an NHL hockey player but the big dream was short-lived when he broke his leg and he didn't make the team.

"Are you deaf? Go and gear up. I need to speak with that coach of yours". He says again before making himself at home.

"Look at what a professional hockey player has in his pantry! Chips? Candy canes and apple sauce?". He yells from the pantry and some sounds was heard.

"Ignore him. You know how he can be, I saw the glow on your face? Where you thinking about her again?".mom teased.

She playfully nudges my shoulder and I nod, I told my mother about her. Mom has seen her sometimes when she goes  to visit me" God, I'm so sorry". She add

"What the duck did I tell you?". He yells gripping to my shirt and pushes mom away when she tried to make him stop

"I'll do it now. Sorry".

I walked up and geared up before going  to my home training area in the second floor in the house "Now, score some goal and stop looking at me like that". He add

I take my stick and hit the puck and it go straight in the net, he signals me to keep doing it and he checks the stop watch on his neck before scowling at me"Eight goal in one minute! I need to talk to the coach". He yells, he takes his phone.

I could proudly say that I wish to hit his head with my stick since he has no hair on the back of his head"Yes, he's now too lazy. Stop giving him breaks".

"Do you think I care if his bones fall off? I invested too much time and money on him and now he's famous. He thinks he can slack off". He adds again.

Technically I got a scholarship to go to Canada and he didn't even train me. My eyes goes to my mom as she looks at me
"Are you okay mom?". I ask sitting close to her and she pass me a weak smile.

"We are getting a divorce, August".


"He has all the sudden forgot to control his temper, he has done more yelling at me than he's doing now and he kinda of_".

"Kinda of what mom?". I furrow my eye brow at me and glance at my father.


My whole world stopped, I understood all she said and the sudden anger that I felt could not be controlled"How dare you hit my mother? After everything?". I said gripping to his shirt and lifting him from the ground.

"August, stop".



My mother pleads when to deaf ears. I mean they have been college and high school sweetheart, they had me and my baby sister and he hits her after all she has done for him.

"Why did you tell him!". That all he say.

"That all you can fucking say!".

"August, Darling. Please". She pleads, I let go of him, allowing him to slam hard on the floor before taking my mom.

I know their marriage had loopholes, he cheated on her and she forgave him. He sometimes body shamed her, he did so many things to her but she forgave him.

Elizabeth is a stupid name, are you trying to be the queen of England?

Why did you dress like that? Are you trying to be a whore for other men?

Don't talk when men are talking? Your feminine speech is not necessary.

"Mom, do you want to stay over at my place?". I ask sitting her in my room bed

She looks at me surprised That's it? No you're at fault or beg him o_".

I squat beside my mother"If you're at fault. I would protect you first in front of him before correcting you".

"God, I trained you well". She sobs before she hugs me and sniffed.



I hear his angry stomping before he slams the door open making it the wall, I break from the hug and look at him
"What gave you the right to__".

"It's pathetic to hit a woman. What gave you the right to hit my mother? You Can control my life but the_".

A scream comes from my mother when he punches me on the face. The metallic taste of my blood made me crave more"Fucker". I curse aiming to give him a punch but my
arm was held by my mother.

"Rome, No". Mom says, she nods no.

"Get out!". I yelled pointing at the door.

"Elizabeth, let's go". He says

"Eliza_a no, she's staying with me".

His face turns to something, then a smirk appears"You would come crawling back. He would hit you for your_".

"Get the fuck out of here".

He left and I helped mom to settle in. I will seek to them divorcing each other, I want to call Natalie to make sure she's fine.

"Hey, Nat. You know abou_".

"Yes, I do. Dad called and August why are you getting involved in their marriage?.

"He hit mom and you_".

"What? He didn't add that. She's went with him aft_".

"No, she's with me".

"Okay, I'm to California to see her".

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