★chapter fifty six★

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Dedicated to My lazy ass for writing this page,
thanks for always giving me motivation.

Augustus Costello

I drop Aurora's flowers on her bed beside her, she's sleeping so peacefully like God I want to pinch those chubby cheeks of hers, I take my little note that I wrote and put it on the side of the bouquet.

Just because Flowers because you're
My beautiful daughter and I love you.
Love, daddy.

I want to buy her flowers everyday because I don't want her to be think someone's dusty ah son won't think he can impress her with some target flowers. She should get flowers everyday for no reason not only on her birthday or a special event should she get some flowers like do you feel me?

I have a lot to do for Aurora so welcome to dusty ah son series from your favorite daddy Augustus. We're going to give my daughter everything she deserves because she needs to but for now time for a nap, I kiss her forehead then stand up from her bed.

Daddy needs a Power Nap.
A long one

I walk to my room and the coldness from the air- conditioning, I walk to my bed to see a cheesecake and a note"Hey August, I bought a lot of a cake and decided you give you some so yeah, enjoy it". I read and see her name signed below her last word.

I fling the cover of the cake and in all the chocolately goodness, I could see some crushed Oreo's on-top, a lot of caramel ontop with waffles like damn" fork, I need a damn fork". I said searching my table for a fork or a spoon.

I huffed when I see no available ones in my room, I look at the cake and my hand, should I use my hand I mean no one is watching me? Or I mean-

"Fuck it, I'm in my room". I cussed, I take a small fistful of the cake and shove it in my moan. Oh my sweet Jesus was the cake taste so good.

Trust me when I say the cake was slaughtered mercilessly, yes eating cake with my hand had a big disadvantage like I have some chocolate stains on my bedsheets and stained my shirt but Atleast I had cake. I go to my bathroom and damn was I a huge jumpscare "Shit my face". I said seeing whipped cream all over my fucking cheeks.

I washed the whipped cream off my cheeks and the sink, after that I take the bedsheet off my bed and I shove it in the washer and take a new bedsheet. I frown when I don't see any of my bedsheets in the laundry room"Natalie". I huffed seeing her purple bedsheet with flowers designed all over it.

She took my bedsheet along with her after I told her no, so apparently she had a thing for my bedsheets. She asked for them and I declined now she stole it? Would the police arrest her for stealing this tho! I shove that thought away and lay her bed sheet on my bed and not going to lie but it made the room kinda bright alittle bit"Now where's that cookbook". I said looking through my small wall library.

"Yes". I said when I finally found it, I want to learn how to cook since I mean I don't expect star to cook for me all the time plus again we don't want your dusty ah son cooking ramen for her to impress her. I scan through the recipe book for something good.
"Yeah, so we are ordering pizza tonight". I said, I close the cookbook and dail the pizza place.

"Hey Star, what pizza do you like?". I said rushing to her room, she looks at me and thinks"pizza with a lot of mushrooms and olives". She says, the way her eyes sparkled when she said mushrooms and olives

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