★Chapter fourty two★

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Indigo Evans

"You can't tell me to calm down, do you see what I'm seeing on the Internet". I whispered harshly on the phone, there was silence from the other end which is making me more angry.

"People will look at my daughter and be like the daughter who her parents were porn stars or their fucking sex tape lea-"

"Indigo, calm down". Alice grumbles, there was a few rumbling sounds before a few mumbles from the other end of the phone.

"Look this is taking too long". Fiona says
"Indigo get your fat ass here, the hacker will be here in five minutes and I have a few killing instruments so come fast".

"Five minutes! We already have half a million views in three minutes". I squeal, I read some comments and some people touched theirselves from how according  to them was hot like God.

"I mean but all jokes apart, The light bdsm and the everything makes it hot. I mean girlll". Alice cooes and my cheeks lit up in embarrassment.

"Not the time for this jokes, my ass and his body is literally on the internet. Can we get back to the point now". I cleared my throat trying to sound unaffected.

"So you don't like people or ". Alice stops and fakes coughs"Or women looking at your baby daddy's body". She finishes, I could feel her smiling from the phone.

"He's mine and even though he does not know yet but I'm crazy about him, crazy is an insult to my feelings for him, I may not be his favorite person but I hope that whenever he hears my fucking name that he smiles". I sighed at the end, I had realized my feelings for him a while ago.

"That was the-romantic Indigo, both possessive and romantic like huge turn on like when did you become so-". I roll my eyes and laced my shoes as she rants

"I have to call you back. I want to tell August I'm leaving so he won't be mad at me if I do". I said then hanged up the call

I walk to August room and knocked, I had to tell him I was going out because it a decent thing to do and plus he needs to know"Uhm, Aug- oh hi". I quickly retreat when he opens his room door and stares

I stood there like a fool with my cheeks red, he made me forget why I was there. The part that pains me the most is that he wasn't even doing anything other him standing here with sleepy eyes but yet I had his full attention.

His hands rub against my shoulders" Are you okay, Star?". He said, his thumb rubs on the flesh of my shoulders.

"Yeah, yes. I just wanted to tell you that I am going somewhere so you don't look-"

"Okay, let me drop you off-".

"No, I can dri-".

"You think I will allow you to drive out at 1am in the freaking morning then I'm sorry to say but you're dreaming. Let me drop you and pick you up or you'll stay-"

"August, this is urgent and I will fi-".

He bends a little until we were in the same height level, his eyes bore into my eyes and a frown evident on his face" I see you don't want go, I'm not telling you drive at 1am. So suck it up and give me a hug". He said standing straight showing  the big height difference between us.

"If I give a hug then you will let me go-".

"Nah, I just want a hug. That's all". He interrupts before his warmth embraces mine. He kisses the top of my head and sigh"Are you sure you're okay Star?". He said, the doubt in his voice over powers his I'm not trying to question you right.

"I'm very okay, or I don't look okay to-"

"Okay is a word that should never be used for you, I just want you to know that we are team so you know you can tell me anything and we can solve it as a team". He said as his thumb caresses my cheeks, I shiver when his cold silver of his ring touches my cheeks.

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