★Chapter Thirty★

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August costello

Something was off about Coach and zander my manager, Zander requested  to see me and he brought coach along to my house that I'm getting cleaned up . I had many boxes in my living room and I had too many plushies on my couch and don't get me started clothes for Aurora. I aslo had bubble wrap that I was going to be popping later for fun since I love it so much especially the popping sounds.

"Hm, ignore the mess. You wanted to see me and why is coach here or is this week evaluation or something".

"Something like that, Your father reports that you have no been training well and that you allegedly have a daughter now".

"Yes, I do have a daughter".

Coach looks at me suprised" Don't tell me you actually made one because I said you should make one or did you adopt-".

"Nope, She's my own fresh and blood".

"Good, So does this words on your bio on your Instagram have to do with her. The star is the best and I love trouble".

"Trouble is my daughter's nickname and Star is the mother of my daughter".I said since I didn't know where this was going  to with me having a daughter.

"Good, Have you tried offering the baby mama money to leave you alone".

"Excuse me, what do you mean by offer her money Zander?". I gritted out, he'll lose three teeth today and right now.

He chuckles and stands up, "August, you are california's bad boy and you would lose too much money if people find out I mean you have a kid and a baby mama".

"You're every women's masturbation, you just hit thirty million and all jersey with your name has been sold out for a whooping amount of one week. You've to be single because it brings in more-"

"Zander, I don't care if it brings anything I'm not an object and I don't think you or anyone else can control my life and i-".

"People want to see you with actress, a porn star or even singers but you being with a commoner who might later be a-"

I didn't let him finish that sentence, He's  going to lose those teeths, I grab him by his collar and lift him from the ground. I mean he's not that mouthy now" Don't you ever insinuate She's a gold digger.  She's the woman I love with my entire soul and heart and I won't let anyone-".

"August, Calm down. Put him down".

"How would you feel if someone called your wife and girlfriend gold digger? I mean polygamous man talking shit on other people when he can't-".

"August put him down before I count to three. Remember I'm still your coach".

"One". Coach counts and I glare at him, then moved my gaze to zander who will pee in his pants soon from fear.

"Two". Coach counts and I sighed, I will not disrespect coach for him. So I let him down by removing my hand from him.

He lands on the floor with a large thud, I look as he jolts up and dusts himself. The satisfaction was good but not as good as I wanted to make him lose some teeths

Coach glared at me once I sat back down like he wanted me to put him down and I did what any good boy would do by I mean putting him down to his hard fate

"Look Zander, You're his manager and I know you're trying to do the best for-". I scoff earning another glare from coach.

"But August is aslo human and not a sex object but he has feelings and I feel that if he's okay with having the woman he loved and the child he made then it's not a big deal because it's his personal life".

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