★Chapter Thirty five★

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I was not able to edit the book because some of you said when was I going to update and I said I'm not and the message just came to much but I will edit the book when I'm done

August costello

Indigo went back to work in her room, when she laid Aurora for her nap and I was bored so I decided to ask her If I can stay with her while she worked since I'm
bored and watching her work seems like the best thing to do when you're bored
"Star?". I called out knocking her room door again, Her voice becomes closer to the door before she opens the door.

"Do you want something August?". She whispers to me, the voice from the call still talking away about whatever.

"Can I stay with you please?". I begged

Her eyesbrows furrows"You want to stay here and watch me work?". She said, she missing the pleasure watching her work.


"Are you sure of that?". She questions

"Yep". I confirmed, She shrugs before she opens the door for me and sits back on her couch and writes something down.

I walk inside her room and inhaled her scent in the air,She always smells good. I sit on the other couch and folded my leg under one and watched her just work. I watch her type of her laptop, write on a notepad and answer the person again.

"So we are allowed to wear our new uniforms again?". Indigo says, She claps her hand in excitement when the person  confirms with a positive response to her

"Thank God Akira, He sent me a message asking me to fill some information down and I was like sure till I saw that he said I should make a snack for the opening of the smack me waffle sandwich like can-"

"Exactly, Everything with his food involves one twisted meaning and I'm suprised that kids come there like me? Bring Aurora there is the biggest no-".

"You have a child?". She pauses"Braylon, that's a nice name, you didn't tell me you have a child you motherfucker". She add

"Nah, it's fine apart from you and maybe Todd since my information is with him, I don't think anyone else knows I've a kid" Indigo adds, She writes something again

"So you'll send me the month's profits  details, Todd said I should fill them and I want to do it before he starts any drama"

"I have a call, I will talk you later". She ends the call"Good afternoon Sir, have you made your mind on the theme yet?".

"Red and white okay". She mumbles, she writes it down on her notepad"You said you postponed it. When do you want me to come and decorate the place?".

"Tomorrow at 8pm works for me, Do you have the cake and other things ready or I should handle that?". She says again

"I won't put chips ahoy in your plate and say I made it. I know how to bake but i could give you the number of the baker I give my other clients if you want, Sir".

"Okay, Thank you for trusting me. What flavour of cake do you want?". She asked
"Chocolate cake with some cupcakes".

She was on the call for a while, Her work was actually fun with the way she socialise with her clients with honesty" I will get back to you on the payment sir".

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