★Chapter fourty one★

555 9 2

Indigo Evans

I laid Aurora on the bed and sighed, a minutes ago she was slapping food off her and now she's peacefully sleeping on her bed as if nothing happened. I tucked her in bed and walked downstairs to the traumatised father look from Augustus.

He's currently sulking as he cleans the mash potato and other food stains that were thrown around the living room. He looks at his shoulders and uses his hand to flick some peas off his shoulder again
"She loved your cooking, she was just..". I inhaled waiting for the right words to blurt out or something nice to him.

"She hated it, She literally spat it back in the plate and cried, her face was red" he moans with frustration and retires to the couch.

"No". I said sitting beside him Maybe there was some factory errors but the love and your skills makes the food like so good to me, Gus". I said, I didn't know whether to smile or pat his shoulders at this point because Aurora made it clear

"I'm not a good dad if my daughter can't eat my food then Indigo". He moans and covers his faces with his hands.

"Hey". I yell nudging him and standing up, he looks at me confused as I stood in infront of him"You're the best father she can-".

"She can't have another dad, I'm her dad and sit back down, Star". He moans, he bends his head to continue his sob feast.

"Obliviously, You're the only one that made me pregnant so use your brain". I said with sacarastic smile" Now, stop this sob feast and I have an idea on how you can improve your bad cooking".

He raises his head and frowns" You said my cooking was not bad! Oh, No. I have rubbished myself infront of my wife".he moans bending his head again as I stood there all red because he called me his...

"Okay, I'm trying to be nice here. You wanna know the honest non filtered..".


"I won't feed that food to rat". I gulped, he scowls at me before cuddling with a pillow and sighed.

"But if you want, I can teach you how to cook and if you're a good student then I mean you can get a free hug". I bribed, I stretch my hands out for encouragement

He looks at me and"if I'm an awesome student, what do I get then and no hugs are for good students".

"Uhm, what do you want in return"

He smirks"A kiss everytime I do something good or do something as I'm told for twenty seconds".

"I'm the one calling the shots here, I own this cooking academy so yeah. I'm the..".

He rolls his eyes"We are in the living room idiot". He says using his hands for emphasise on the living room part.

"Who you calling an idiot, for your information you're the one in need here not me so yeah talk to the teacher re..."

"I don't Star, I think my teacher is hot when she gets all defensive and mad". I scowl when he winks at me, Pervert.

"Doa you have crushes on all your angry aaqzaaAQAAAaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaQaaaaaaaaaaaqaaAAAAAAAAA@@@@•AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa@@•••d defensive teachers?". I asked

"Only the one that I made babies with, I don't mind blessing her with more kids". He adds and my neck begins to warm up

"Y-you want more kids?".

"With you? Yeah. I want more kids". He says seriously, the air began to feel hot and serious like my skin was on fire

"What if I'm not ready to have more..".

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