★Chapter Twenty nine★

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Thank you guys, like I can see 10k happening soon,

we are ready for you". The woman says, Alice and fiona follow me inside the office as the man signals us to seat down and he wears his glove.

"I'm Peter and nice to meet you Indigo, Excited to have your braces?". He asked, he takes a thing and separate my lips?

"Okay a little bit of an underbite and the back teeth are crooked but gums and the teeth are clean and good oral heath". He says, he removes the thing and presses a bell then there was a woman coming in.

"Show her the colour palette for which colour of braces and bring the tools too".

I was one second away from crying and cursing out to my dad because I was like supposed to get them while I was kid but it was demonic to him and against laws in the bible and here I'm about to do this
"Can you give us a minute please?". Alice says to the woman then pulls me outside

"Sweets, What wrong? You look like you are going to cry like you don't like-".

"It not about the fucking colour! I can't do this like I want to curse my dad for I mean all he has done to me, What will trouble think when she sees me?". I said Alice tried to wipe the tear but I slap her

and away from my face.

"Indigo, You have always stopped us from cursing him or by now we would have a curse party just for him like we love you no matter what you do or have and Aurora would love you regardless".

I wipe my tears and looked at them, I'm blessed to have them here with me and it for my oral heath "Thanks guys, I will just get plain silver braces". I said

"No, get navy blue". Fiona whines

"No dark purple but no plain colours like it will be noticeable when you stain it".

"I want a colour no one would notice". I whined, the hallways of this place is like so nice for a place of nightmares

"Miss Evans, We are ready for you". The woman says, she interrupts and I sighed in defeat when fiona and Alice gives me the puppy eyes when they come into the conclusion that I should navy blue brace

"Ok, first, cleaning which might not take
long because you have good oral heath". Peter says, I tilt my head sideway when he puts cheek contractors to make sure my cheeks stay out of the way like was he flirting with me or something.

The process was quite long, the colour I chose is navy blue and he fixed them in. The first thing I felt when we were done is pain"Why are her teeths hurting sir".

"Since the braces would pull her teeths to make them into the way we want, but eating ice-cream and hold it there for a few seconds and then it would stop but if it doesn't then take painkillers". He say

Thank God for insurance that helped me pay half of the payments meaning I have some more money left, I slide to the back of my car while Alice and Fiona at front.

"We are going to my bakery for some of my famous cookies and ice cream" Fiona says in a cheery voice"I don't think I'll be able to eat anything right now".


"Nothing, I will call Aiden and Ashley". I said, I call him on face time. When he answers the first thing I see is his hair.

"Hey, what's up".

I smile"I got braces, what do you think?".

"You look pretty with them, do they hurt like I think they make you sound funny".

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