6. "Consequence."

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I opened my eyes... Everything around me is unfamiliar. Tom and dad are standing by the window. I tried to say something, but all I got was a hum. They drew attention to me and approached me from both sides.

(V)– Maddy, daughter ...

(T)– Maddy, how are you?..

(M)– where am I ..? What happened?

(V)– You're in the hospital, honey. You... someone poisoned you... We're already investigating.

(M)– how long have I been here ..?

(T)– four days. How do you feel?

(M)– nauseous ...

(T)– drink some water.

(M)– Thank you....

The doctor entered the office.

(Doc)– Good morning. Miss Sheyward, how are you feeling?

(M)– not really...

(V)– how long will she be here?

(Doc)– it will be necessary to do several analyzes and it will be visible there. Let's get out.

(V)– Yes, of course.

Tom and I were left alone. He took my hand and kissed it.

– I was so worried… —he began.

– I'm fine, don't worry.

– Well, scare me more like that.

– never.

Dad entered the board, followed by the оfficer.

– Good afternoon, Miss Sheyward, —the officer began. — I'm officers Byron.

– nice to meet you.

– I need you to describe the events of that evening in detail.

– guests came to us, we sat down at the table. The assistants poured drinks, I was asked to play the guitar, and at that time salads were served. We started talking more. Half an hour later, dad was served fried fish, and I got a steak. Dad got mad, he didn't ask for the fish they gave him, so we switched. I'm not up to the dish, it... had some kind of nasty taste in the middle. I guess it seemed to me because I don't really like fish.

– Or something was sprinkled in there, — the officer interrupted me.

I just shrugged.

– Do you remember anything else? — added the officer.

– before they served a side dish, well, fish and meat, Marie left for five minutes. Do not think that I consider her guilty ...

– you think.

– Yes, — I answered firmly and looked at my father. — I never trusted her and I don’t intend to! Dad, Arthur is afraid of her. He doesn't tell you because Marie is intimidating that if you drive her away, you will drive him away too. And she doesn’t need Arthur to hell, he’s a toy! My brother must have seen a lot, he's just afraid to say...

– I'll have to talk to Arthur again, Mr. Sheyward, — the officer said firmly. — only at the station and without Mrs. Sheyward.

– As you say, — said the father.

– Rest, Miss Sheyward. Goodbye.

– goodbye.

– Tom, you have to go too, — Dad suddenly said.

– I'll come tomorrow.

– will wait.

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