10. "Old friends. Part two."

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Half an hour later I reached the house and breathed a sigh of relief.

- Maddie, why didn't you answer the calls? - Angry dad came running.

- for calls?

I took out my phone, it was switched off.

- I'm sorry, dad. Phone discharged.

- everything is fine? No adventure?

- Yes. I'm going to take a shower and change.

- Will you have dinner?

- no thanks.

I took a shower, changed into my pajamas and sat on the bed. My eyes went to the photo on the shelf. It shows our company: me, Scarlet, Elizabeth, Chris, Robert and Jeremy, who was not with them today.

I went to the photo and began to remember the details of the evening.

The arrow I caught was from Jeremy's arsenal, but it was Scarlet who fired the bow. Ask how I understood? Scarlet had never hit a target in her life, and the arrow flew weakly, not quickly. Usually, when Jeremy shoots, the task of catching the arrow is more difficult, but here it was very easy. We have the same level of shooting, so we feel each other in this situation.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was dad.

- Maddy, may I coming?

- yes, come on.

I put the photo back on the shelf.

- Do you miss them?

- No. From them no hearing, no spirit.

- maybe the teacher Bat drives them so that there is no time?

- If there was a desire, they wrote a long time ago, - I answered coolly.

- Are you bored with work?

- a little. I do it myself. My skills are still with me, I'm satisfied. Dad, if you don't mind, I'm going to bed. Tired.

- yes, sure. Goodnight.

- good night. I love you.

I kissed my dad and he left.

- "there are squirrels on the ground and arrows in the sky..."

Trying to forget this evening, I went to bed.

- Where I am..?

- My students, our martial arts school is being closed, - an old voice came from behind.

- "teacher Bat?"

- what?! But, teacher, where shall we go? We don't have a home! - Robert objected.

- sorry, guys...

They are gone.

- it can't stay like this. Either we die of hunger/cold or madness!

- Personally, I want to die a natural death and not live like a bum. - Elizabeth screamed.

- But what are we going to do then, Robert? - came Jeremy's voice.

- I don't know...

- I think I can help you, - a woman appeared from behind.

I ran up to the guys, but the woman's face was hidden.

- Do you want to live in abundance? So work for me.

- what we need to do? - Chriss asked.

- Do you remember your friend Maddison? You are experienced warriors. I want the whole family to be killed. Starting with Maddison and ending with little Arthur. But there are two exceptions.

The picture is interrupted.

- I'm not going to kill Maddie for some money! - Jeremy objected.

- You're just a coward, Jeremy. Get out then!

- teacher, how to stop them?

- They have made their choice, my boy. Just take it.

- can I somehow protect Maddie?

- You will go to London and watch Maddison. I will give you money.

The end...

- you chose the wrong path... - my voice rang out.

- I'm already doubting whether she needs protection ... - Jeremy said quietly, to the side.

I woke up abruptly. It's four o'clock in the morning.

- "What just happened ..?"

I went to the bathroom, washed my face with cold water and looked in the mirror. My face looked like I hadn't slept in two days.

I went into the dressing room. There on the wall hangs my bow. I took it and pointed it sharply at the man behind me.

- Calm down, Maddy, it's me, - Jeremy began.

I let go of the weapon.

- what are you doing here? How did he get into the house?

- I came to take you to a safe place, Maddie. Be your own and go.

- what? Jeremy, stop!

I grabbed his hand.

- what do you allow yourself? We don't need help. We have everything under control.

- Yes, I saw it in the park.

- I can handle it myself! You're not with them, that's good. Use the teacher's tools that he gave you and start all over again. I'm stronger than all of you put together and I don't need help... Just trust me and go, Jeremy.

I looked him straight in the eyes.

- please...

- okay, I understand you. You won't hear from me again.

- Jeremy!

He quickly walked towards the open panoramic window.

- Goodbye, - he said softly and jumped down.

- stop!

He was on a rope, and therefore calmly landed down.

- "I admit, this is something new." - I thought, looking at Jeremy running in the rain.

I closed the window and went into the kitchen.

- good morning.

- Good morning, Miss Sheyward, - our chef, William, greeted me with a smile. - Why did you wake up so early?

- nightmares...

William silently brewed some tea for me.

- This will help calm the mind.

- Thanks, William.

I drank tea and helped myself to oatmeal.

I did not go to the dining room, I decided to sit in the kitchen with all the workers at home and chat.

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