13. "Betrayal and goodbye."

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In the morning we sat quietly at breakfast. Suddenly, the sound of breaking glass was heard in the hallway.

– did you hear that? — Tom asked me in fear.

– yes...

I reached into my backpack and took out a folded bow and arrows.

– Have you… been carrying this with you all this time?

– hush ...

I straightened my bow and prepared it for a shot.

– who you are? What are you doing here?!

Shot. Lots of shots.

Tom and I went to the exit of the dining room and hid behind the door. Elizabeth rushes into the room with a gun in her hand. I shot her with a shocker arrow, from which I fell so unconscious.

– Damn... We need to get out of here urgently.

– Who is this, Maddie?

– old friends...

I abruptly ran out of the dining room, Chris and Robert were standing in front of me with weapons.

– I take it that fight in the park wasn’t the final one, Rob?

– you understand correctly.

I shot at two at the same time, but Chris also managed to shoot in the direction of Tom. I jerked Tom aside, but it hit his arm.

– Tom, how are you?.. Let me see.

– ouch!

– calmly.

– Maddy!

Robert would have shot at us, but the arrow went through him. He fell, and behind was Scarlet.

– Scarlet..?

I jumped up.

– I owe you, Maddie... Please forgive me. There are squirrels on the ground..?

She held out her hand.

– and arrows in the sky.

We completed our handshake. Suddenly, Scarlet fired sharply at Elizabeth, and then at Chris.

– We need to get out of here urgently.

I helped Tom up, shot. Scarlet fell. Marie was behind. Shot. I pushed Tom aside and moved away myself.


Shot! I moved away. Shot! Moved back again. I kicked her sharply on the arms, the gun flew out. I got up and started to fight with Marie.

I threw her to the floor.

– who hired you! Who hired you all!

Marie started laughing.

– You will be very surprised, this is the person closest to you.

Shot. I swapped Marie and me, and the bullet hit her. I threw Marie away and saw in front of me ...

– Aunt Serena?!

Serena's pov.

– Hello, Maddie. Didn't you guess?

– Well, of course ... All for the sake of the inheritance.

– I deserve this more than all of you. This is my money!!

Tom wanted to stun me from behind, but I felt him and fired.

– nooo!

Maddie kicked me off with her feet and ran up to Tom.

– No, Tom... Tom, look at me... Please don't die. Tom...

– ...

– how sweet. Although no. Now sick!

– You are a monster!

– no, I just want to get what I deserve!!

Shot. Maddie fell.

– stupid girl. Thinks only of love.

Suddenly, Maddie's body dissolved, and sounds were heard from behind. I carefully turned back. Maddie was there. Her hands glowed.

– You will never know true love and friendship!

The sound wave knocked me back.

A week later in the hospital.
Pov Maddy.

Tom has been unconscious for a week now, he was seriously injured, but he will live.

The ambulance arrived on time, everyone in the house is alive, even the enemies. But they are all waiting for a prison under close supervision for life.

I slept next to Tom resting on the bunk. Suddenly they started stroking my head. I woke up. Tom looked at me with an exhausted smile.

– Tom...

I started kissing him.

– Thank God you're alive, I was so worried. Don't get up. You need to relax.

– how much time has passed? — Tom asked hoarsely.

– a week ... Tom ... I can't forgive myself for this and never will be able to.

– Maddie...

– don't... You got hurt because of me. I almost lost you. So... I'm leaving. Don't try to find me, forget me. I won't let you get hurt.

– Maddie... I can't live without you.

– I'm sorry...

I left a long kiss and ran away.

I'll be back, just wait...Where stories live. Discover now