7. "Second try."

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Two days later, a camera appeared in my room, and in the evening Arthur was brought to me. I have to get the word out of him.

– Maddy!

– Arthur, brother.

He ran up to me.

– sit down with me.

– I was so bored. When are you going to come back home?

– soon, my dear, soon.

I pulled him close to me and started stroking his head.

– How are things at home?

– mom swears with someone on the phone when dad is away ...

– did you hear anything from the conversation ..?

– no...

– Arthur, tell the truth. I'm worried about you ...

–  I only heard that ... my mother called the interlocutor an idiot, that he poured something into the fish and put a sign with the name of dad ... I also saw many times that my mother was actively rummaging around in office, and yesterday ... there was a man in general. They laughed and... flirted. Mom thought that I didn’t notice him and shouted that I was walking here.

– did they talk? Do you know the voice?

– I've heard it before... but I don't remember where. If I hear it again, I'll remember.

– and will you tell me?

– yes... Just please, don't tell anyone what I told you.

– Never, Arthur... Never...

The nurse came into the room.

– Good evening, Miss Sheyward. How do you feel?

– I'm fine, thank you.

– great.

The nurse changed the drip and left. Arthur tugged at my arm.

– what?

– It's him, Maddie... — Arthur said softly. —It was him in the office.

I looked at my brother in fear. Suddenly, I abruptly blacked out.

– Maddy? Maddy, what's wrong with you?

He ran out of the room. Doctors and dad were already running there.

–dad! Daddy! — Arthur was crying all over.

– Calm down, son. Everything will be fine. Sister will get better.

In a few hours.

I woke up abruptly from a terrible pain in my head. For another five minutes, I stared at the ceiling, not understanding what was happening.

The pain subsided... I looked around. Nearby, leaning against the bunk, slept Tom. I gently stroked his head. He slowly woke up.

– Hi, — I whispered.

– Hi, — he replied in the same way. — you promised.

– I can't influence fate... What happened this time?

– anaphylactic shock…

– aspirin…?

He nodded.

– I think I know what's going on...

– what? — Tom asked anxiously.

– poisoning, allergies ... A professional is clearly acting here. He forgave everything. They are trying to take us out. — I said trying to sit up. — Dad has a weak immune system, it seems to me that if he had eaten all the fish then and washed it down with alcohol ... he would not have survived until morning. He would have been found dead by now. And I ... ate less than half, I have a strong immune system, and I don’t drink alcohol ... That’s why I lasted longer. They didn't plan to take me out at first, but they realized that I was a strong player.

– Do you have any suggestions?

–Of course, — I began to whisper. — if Marie does this, then she believes that her name is indicated in the will, but she is not there. Dad indicated Marie's place to his sister, with whom he has a bad relationship.

– That’s brilliant, — said Tom. — So, do you have a plan?

– No. But I know that now Marie will not be with us. And sooner or later, she will turn to us, or someone else. Now the main thing is to closely observe those who surround us.

I took Tom's face in my hands.

– And you too, be careful.

I pecked him on the lips.

–I won’t forgive myself if I lose you, — I said carefully.

– I'll always be with you.

He kissed me back.

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