14. "Long-awaited meeting."

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Twelve years later.
After those events, I left London. Aunt's people still managed to get rid of dad after a year ... I took Arthur and continued dad's business in New York. I also continued to invest in volunteering.

There's another problem... That sex with Tom gave us a daughter, Farya. I showed my daughter photos of dad and did not hide from her why we were not together. She did not take offense at me for this, on the contrary, she wanted more and more that we had a complete family.

A few years ago, I became a sponsor of Marvel. Today is the premiere of Thor in Sydney. Artur and Farya and I always go to such an event.

POV Тоm.

Chris and I were signing autographs when suddenly I heard a familiar name.

– Miss Sheyward, can I have a photo?

Maddy stood at the photo zone with a young boy and a girl about twelve years old.

– Listen, Chris, who is this? — I asked.

– this is? Maddison Sheyward. Her brother Arthur and daughter Farya.

– "daughter?" What are they doing here?

– As I understand it, Maddison is a sponsor of Marvel Studios.

– Yeah got it.

Everyone went to the hall. All the time I kept my eyes on Maddie. Arthur has changed so much, I didn't recognize him right away.

Suddenly Farya noticed me and began to say something to her mother.

Pov Maddy.

Farya pulled my hand.

– what, honey?

– Mom, is that dad?

– where?

She pointed to Tom standing in the distance. Our eyes met. Tom slowly started walking towards us.

– Arthur, stay with Farya...

I went to the toilet. I got dizzy. I leaned against the sink and looked down. Suddenly someone hugs me from behind around the waist and leaves a kiss on the neck.

– "Oh, how I missed this ..." — I thought, still looking at the floor. — I thought you hated me ... I asked you to forget me.

– it only gave me a great desire to find you again, to say that it is not your fault.

– no guilt? You almost died because of me!

– Stop blaming yourself for other people's sins, Maddie. I know you suffered without me.

– And you are a psychic, I see.

Tom turned me towards him.

– I just feel you, your thoughts.

We merged into a long-awaited kiss. After, he took my left hand.

– didn’t take it off?)

–  didn’t want to forget that evening ...

–  this is my daughter, right?

– Yes ... And she dreams that we will be together again.

– she knows?

–I don't hide anything from her.

– So let's go make her happy.

Farya's happiness cannot be described. She had been waiting for this day for so many years. Two months later, Tom and I were married, and I will never leave the man of my life again.

At each premiere, we were the whole family. Two years after that, Arthur got married and had a wonderful son. And a year later, two daughters. We are all happy again, and we will never destroy this happiness.

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