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For several days after our first time together followed a series of adventures that resulted in clandestine sex all over the country. I suddenly had a newfound motivation to sightsee.

Wherever Nacho took me, I went, and everywhere we went, we had sex. Each time more passionate and with more ardor than the previous time. One would think that the "magic" would've began fading by the tenth or twentieth time but somehow our desire for one another seemed to grow exponentially. After he dropped me off after our most recent sex tour, he "walked me to the door" and ended up coming inside and giving it to me again.

He had really brought my inner naughtiness all the way out. It was like I just couldn't resist him.

After our session, I went to see him out. Cool air hit our faces as I opened the door of my bedroom. We giggled knowingly as we strolled down the hall.

G gave me a sidelong glance as she poured herself a smoothie in the kitchen. Probably made it as an excuse to use the blender so she could drown out our shameless moans. Oops.

I walked him back outside to his motorcycle and spotted a familiar lacy, black fabric wrapped tightly around one of the handlebars. My panties from that night in the caves.

"Are you serious?" I laughed.

He shrugged with a satisfied smile, "What? It's a souvenir."

"Well, because of your little souvenir, I flashed Dante."

His smile dropped, "You what?"

"Nothing, just give them back. Those are the most expensive pair I have."

"If you want them back, meet me in the caves tonight."

"Why not right now? I wore you out, huh?"

He laughed at my faux boldness, "Damn, ready for more already?"

I shrugged my shoulders confidently.

"You're fucking adorable but we clearly still need to work on that attitude though," he chuckled, "Now give me a kiss."

I leaned in and gave him a quick peck, "Alright, bye." I turned to walk away.

"Come here," he grabbed me, picking me up and spinning around as he gave me a deep kiss, "You play too much, girl." he said, setting my down.

He climbed onto his motorcycle, "Tonight, at sunset. Don't make me wait."

"Yeah, yeah I know."

He cranked up his motorcycle, "Oh and uh, try to stop your legs from shaking before then," he said as he winked and took off.

When I walked back inside G was standing right in front of the door, she had obviously been watching us from the window.

I expected her to say something or ask me how it was. Back in the states she was always trying to get me laid. I thought she would have been beaming from ear to ear.

Instead she brought out a clumped up fistful of muddled black fabric, the dress I borrowed from her,"What's this?"

"Shit, G I completely forgot. I'm so sorry about that. It's a long story, this asshole bartender at the club was all up on me and he-"

She put a hand up, "Just save it."

"Genevieve...wait just let me explain."

"Can't you just tell the truth for once instead of trying to manipulate your way out of everything? Look at this." She held the tattered cloth up to my face, unraveling it "not only did you stretch it out but you what... cut it up?"

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