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The next couple of weeks continued just like this. A part of me was waiting at some point to discover a flaw in him or for his consistency to falter but nothing.

He made our bed in the morning, he didn't leave the toilet seat up, he cooked for me. I mean, every day he surprises me and shows me how a woman is supposed to be treated. I started to slowly learn that I had been happily accepting the bare minimum.

My ex would always make me feel like I was asking for too much when I really wasn't asking for much at all, just a little effort and initiative. I also felt like I had to walk on eggshells around him. Any little inconvenience or criticism even if it were constructive or delicately put would set him off. He never thought he was in the wrong either, so of course, he never apologized for upsetting me, he would just chalk it up to me being too sensitive or problematic.

He also loved to talk a lot of shit but didn't have the actions to back it up. I have to hand it to him though, he was an impeccable liar.
That man lied like it was his job and even when caught in the act of cheating he still denied it. He was literally more loyal to his story than he was to me.

Dante is the polar opposite of him and the more time that I spend with him I wonder how the hell I let my ex treat me like he did for so long.

With Dante, there's no wondering how he feels about me. He tells me me every day. He doesn't just say a bunch of pretty words simply to appeal to me, he shows me who he is through his actions, and that's someone that I want to be with.

Before coming here, I really thought that I was going to have my "hot girl summer" in Spain.I expected to shake ass from Barcelona to Seville, hook up with a couple of men as hot as the climate and then go home. Tucking the memories and good times into the back pocket of my brain. I had already pictured myself one day telling my kids about how fun and adventurous their mom used to be.

But, being with Dante and away from G  completely grounded my mind. I know that's not me, that's not what I want. That's what I thought I wanted because I let Genevieve and my agemates get in my head.  I felt like that was what I had to do because that is what was expected of me. I pushed my real desires and needs to the back of my head just to fit in.

But when I'm with Dante... I don't know, I don't feel like I have to fit in. I know that that sounds corny but seriously I can't remember the last time I felt like I can just talk about anything and act like the real me without having to censor myself or hold anything back. I was rediscovering myself through Dante.

Even with G, I always felt like I had to make myself smaller. She would extinguish my light so that she could shine brighter. I had to be less funny, less clever, less talkative...less me.

Also, just because I know you're wondering, yes, we are still getting noise complaints. The sex continues to be amazing but how he fulfills me sexually hardly holds a candle to his other remarkable attributes.

He's intelligent, funny, capable, reliable and so many other qualities that don't even have their own words yet. The thing that impressed me the most was that Dante made it abundantly clear that he was in it for the long haul. He was serious about me, about us.

I wasn't just a fling or a souvenir to him.

Plus, turning over in bed and seeing his sweet smile every morning is definitely something that I could get used to. Everything is finally falling into place. Oh

There's no point denying my feelings: I think Dante could be the one...

"Aaand that's the last one." Dante said, unfurling the final braid from my head.

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