First day (Raeda)

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Thank you Mystique69_ for the idea!

"Ok, first day at Hexside!" Raine said to themself. They looked at their uniform, red sleeves and pants with dark grey boots, hood, and skirt-thingy (idk what its called). They walked into the building and took in their surroundings. They walked to their first class and sat down.

It was time for lunch. Raine sat by themself. They weren't sure how to talk to people. That was when Raine spotted two girls across the canteen. They both had orange hair. One had poofy hair and yellow eyes, the other had curly hair and blue eyes. Raine really wanted to talk to them, become their friend. They decided to try tomarrow.

The next day Raine prepared themself for making friends. They practiced on a few people who ended up actually being their friend. Raine felt good about today.

Lunch time. "Lets do this, you got this Raine." They assured themself. They spotted the girl with poofy hair sitting on her own, she was complaining about her drink. Raine sat across from her, offering Apple Blood instead to trade.

If you watched the episode when they met than you know the rest :)

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