>>hangout with amane yugi

79 12 16

current route: amane route

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current route: amane route

bringing the lunchbox to your hands, you made your way to where amane was sitting. you sat next to him and gave him a small wave. "hi amane-kun, good work for today."

"same to you." amane nodded, taking a bite of the spam. he leaned close to you as he subtly pointed at the other players. "do you think one of them is the spy?"

"are you the spy?" you asked.

"no." amane replied with a shrug. "if i were the spy, depending on what i am, i'll make both of us escape from whatever this is." he grinned.

"it's like you wanted to elope with me or something." you joked. amane chuckled with you, a small blush appearing on his cheeks. come to think of it, he'd probably make you run away with him if he were a spy. "and i'm not a spy as well."

"before we accuse someone as a spy, what do you think is the purpose of the spy?"

amane puts his pointer finger on his chin, tilting his head up to think. "maybe the spy is originally from the people who is behind the disappearance of some of the people in japan?"

"then why should we hunt the spy down?"

"because they probably know something why this is happening." amane answered, he's always the brainy one in their friendship—the one thing that you envied about ever since you two became close friends. "that's why they wanted to track down the spy among us because they might spill important information, which means they want us to do the job for them."

"then that means...?"

"the spy is a good person." you and amane turned to look at sakura who just managed to walk into the conversation. "i'm sorry for interrupting your quality, how rude of me."

"no it's okay—we're just about to say that the spy is probably a good person." you explained while waving your hands at sakura. "do you know who the spy is nanamine-senpai?"

"i don't know but i do have speculations on who it is..." sakura scanned the whole area. "elder minamoto-san is most likely to be a spy as well as aoi-kun." she said. sakura left shortly after to leave you two on your own.

amane encouraged you to look around the place during break time. games will start on the next day so there's still some time to investigate the place as to why this is happening. "what were you doing before all of this had happened?"

amane stopped. "pardon?"

"like what were you doing before this madness?" you repeated the question.

"i guess i was at home and tsukasa was playing video games until one day we checked that everyone around here is gone." amane explained that they hoarded the grocery stores for a week before they were brought here to the despair version of kamome academy.

"the items? do you know any of them?" you asked another one in hopes even though amane has no idea how to answer that, he only knew about their group's items.

"i don't." amane shrugged. "i think the items have no relevance to what we're looking for."

"what are we looking for exactly?"

"who knows." amane's eyes softened all of a sudden as he stared at the empty hallway. just then, you heard footsteps coming closer. amane blocked an arm in front of you just in case something happens, he's there to protect you. it was one of the workers in the school wearing a bunny mask.

"jerseys, for sleeping." they said. "please gather to the entrance for an announcement."

"thank you." you received the folded clothes and bowed. you parted ways with amane to change in the bathroom, telling him that you'll see him later.

the players gathered by the entrance after they have changed into their jerseys. you make your way next to yashiro since it's been a while since you've hung out with her after amane stole you away from her.

thank you for your participation for today ⋋✿ ⁰ o ⁰ ✿⋌

make sure to sleep well players ლ(^o^ლ)

all of a sudden, there are clouds of gas releasing from each vent of the entrance making all of you cough. "shit—this is sleeping gas...!" akane tried to fan away the smoke. aoi fluttered her eyelids close and dropped down to the ground along with everyone else. your vision blurred as a yawn escaped from your lips, then soon you closed your eyes and fell asleep.

 your vision blurred as a yawn escaped from your lips, then soon you closed your eyes and fell asleep

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day 01

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