Sophie POV (Chapter 18)

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Hey, Guys, I know my author's notes are always at the bottom but I just realized something super important. Where is The Black Swan, Iggy, and my personal fav character Ro. I am so sorry guys and by the way, thank you to those people who have stuck through this terrible fan fic. Special shout out to @KoTlC5 thanks for following me and voting on a chapter it meant so much to me. Anyway, guys again feel free to comment and I also have an announcement I am super busy with finals right now so I won't be updating for the next week or so. I will post one more chapter and then I can't promise an update for the next week or two. Ok enough of me talking let's get on with the story. Presenting the long-awaited Chapter 18. P.S I will be doing another bonus chapter Biana style once we reach 600 views and I get my first comment. 

Super sorry for making you read that, 


Sophie had really wanted to go to the concert with Keefe but how could she go to Moonlarks Concert if she was Moonlark herself. She shook the thoughts from her head as she peeled her school uniform off and asked her maid to draw her a bath. She had gotten kind of used to the treatment so she just let the maid do her thing. ( Guys I just read back and I had forgotten to give the maid a name oops) Allena, her maid came out of the bathroom and escorted her to the bath she had drawn for her. After letting the water wash away her exhaustion and worries she got out and wrapped herself in a towel. But, when she opened the door to get back to her room she screamed there was standing a very stylish woman. 

Sophie screamed "Ahh." 

"Oh calm down honey I am not gonna hurt you, your bodyguard Sandor will take care of me if I do, and let's be honest these heels might look good but blood will clash with my outfit anyway." she said completely ignoring the look on Sophie's face then continuing she said " My name is- actually you can call me V." She flipped her boa over her neck.  "Your manager Mr. Forkle hired me I am your main stylist since I heard you hired your friend Biana. She is my helper in fact she will be here right about now"  She said looking at her phone that had a case covered in diamonds. On cue, Biana ran in surprisingly fast considering the height of her heels.  

"Sophie I don't care that I am not your main stylist you will still introduce me as your only one but I can't believe I am working with V omg, can you give me your autograph please V. "she finished her tone still pointed at V. 

Sophie finally being able to speak stuttered out "Wait a sec let's rewind number one since when do I have a bodyguard and number 2 what the hell is going on" 

"Well my name is Sandor and I am your bodyguard," Someone said from behind her in a surprisingly squeaky voice.  That was too much and Sophie promptly fainted in Sandor's arms her towel falling off.

Welp folks that was it for now if you are wondering V is Short for Vertina I forgot how to spell her name so oops anyway were you surprised Comment down below what you thought about Sophie being Moonlark and if you liked this chapter make sure to vote see you all later 

G out

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