Bikini Body

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❅ how to: bikini body
Creds: lanvinasanjose
✽ getting ready for bikini season is hard but it doesn't have to be torture! here are a few tips to get a bikini body
↠ diet:
↝ take a before and after pic this will keep you motivated and satisfied when you finally take the after pic
↝ reduce your calorie intake
↝ eat plenty of fruit and veg. leafy green veg is the best but limit fruit to a few pieces a day
↝ eat lean proteins such as turkey, chicken and fish or if your a vegetarian try tofu, tempeh, veggie burgers and eggs
↝ drink at least 8 glasses of water
↝ reduce your sugar consumption by looking at the little labels on products
↠ exercise:
↝ do about 30 minutes of cardio 3-5 times a week. examples include running, jogging, swimming, hiking and cycling
↝ remember that muscle weighs more than fat so you might put a bit of weight on if you want to tone up
↝ choose an exercise that you'll enjoy this will make you stick with it
↝ join an exercise class or gym because having other people around you can keep you motivated and you also have to pay for it which will make you not want to miss it
↠ simple lifestyle changes:
↝ park further from your destination and walk
↝ walk around the local mall or park for a few hours
↝ clean the house or do other errands that require you to be on your feet
↠ toning up:
↝ do yoga or pilates
↝ target your arms by lifting weights and push ups
↝ work your abs I didn't know this before but crunches can ruin your spinal disks so don't do them but holding a plank for as long as you can is good
↝ strengthen your legs by doing squats, lunges or use an elliptical on high resistance
↠ staying motivated:
↝ keep a food journal
↝ exercise with others
↝ find a weight loss buddy
Tysm i hope this helped

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