Easy Yummy Breakfast

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how to:
easy yummy breakfast
creds: lanvinasanjose
the best thing into making a milkshake is that you can add any fruit together and make a great shake. I usually do blueberries and strawberries. Don't forget to add granola to it!
toast some bread and just add some nutella, jam or peanut butter. Then just have that with a glass of milk. I like eating toast with Nutella and bananas chopped inside of it
fruit salad:
gather all the fruits you have in your place and peal or chop them. Then just add some sugar or honey to it.
sometimes mixing some cereals together can be very delicious. Then add some strawberries or bananas to it, it's very delicious.
waffles, eggs, pancakes:
now that it may take more time to make, or you can pancakes or waffles frozen then just put them in the toaster.
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♡ qotd: favorite fruit ? ♡

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