Dealing With Sunburns

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How to: deal with sunburns

tip ➊
make sure to wear a hat and sunglasses and sit in the shade! also put on a lot of sunscreen! You can never have too much sunscreen!

tip ❷
if you want to tan I suggest get some good Moroccan or coconut oil that has sunscreen and put that all over yourself because it will let all the tanning rays in but keep the bad rays out.

tip ❸
aloe Vera is really good to put on if you're already burnt. you can get it in a gel, spray it moisturiser so whatever you like best use it!

tip ❹
hot showers it sounds stupid but it does help a lot even tho it will sting it does really help you. Try and do this as soon as you get home! The quicker the better.

Note: this tip for today is really handy when your at the beach and to me its really helpful!!



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