No quirk?

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3rd person pov 

izuku has grown up with being a fanboy for heroes he's favourite hero is the number 1 hero all might 

izuku POV

i run into mom's room with izumi as we both jump on our Mom and Dad to walk them up faster they both wake up pretty fast after we land on them "Mom it's time to see what quirk we are going to have" we both yell 

3rd person pov 

Inko, Izuku, and izumi start going to the car hoping in to their car sits getting ready to hear about there quirks 








"which one do you want first the bad news or the good news" a doctor says knowing what his about to do to Izuku  

"I want the good news first" she says with a worry as she try's to think of what the bad new could be 

"izumi will have a very powerful quirk it alot like yous however your son will not ever have a quirk he is quirkless" the doctor says calmly 

Quirkless this word ruin the perfect world he thought of as the dream of him being a hero flashed before his eyes 

inko did not spare a glare at her broken son she was to busy pushing her izumi up saying that she would be a amazing hero as they walk out to the car 

"Mom can i have some help" izuku asked as he tried to do his car sit "Do it yourself" was the only thing she said with so much venom that izuku body got right to finding a way to put him self in 

when they all get home toshi watching a football game the three walk in as izuku runs off to his run "what's there quirks " toshi asked not looking away from the screen as the team just kicked a goal "izumi's quirk is alot like mine and izuku is quirkless" saying it with venom again  

izuku pov 

i fell asleep from all my crying due to mom being so mean to me i go down the stairs to see everyone eating dinner with out a fourth bowl there 





i run back to my room..

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