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Izuku is training in the forest for the sport festival which was told to him by Toshi so that he could start training 

Izuku is trying to get control over his wrathful form 

izuku transforms into wrathful then calms his mind 

he opens his eyes to see the aura around his body glowing YES he yells out before fall back turning back to base 

"It must be the mental control of holding the form that makes it use more energy" he lays on his back 

Up in the tree above Izuku is Izumi watching her brother wanting to learn what this power 

Gohan walks up to Izuku "you should try using it in short times like a boost for that moment then change back"

Izuku looks up to Gohan "yeah I'll try that Gohan"

Shoka runs over and shows Izuku her hand with a KI ball 

"Izuku!! look!" Shoka says with a tired smile 

Izumi looks at Shoka's KI ball with a smile knowing that she can do it 

"great job Shoka!!" Izuku says happily 

Shoka's face lights up with a deep red blush

Izuku smiles as he shows her how to launch a ki beam with Izumi in the team learning off what she saw 

Izumi looks at her brother " i will have you as my husband due to you not being my brother by blood" she says with a dirty smile 

Izuku looks around getting a chill down his back 'what the hell?'

Izuku KararotWhere stories live. Discover now