Sports festival Part one

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(i'll be skipping the first and second Games as izuku has a easy way to beat them with the race he can use wrathful or launch himself and second he can be more help now due to him being able to fire ki blast and using the ki blade)

Izuku is waiting in the waiting area for his fight with Shinso However he is not warned as him being away has not allowed time to make friends with Ojiro

 Izuku walks out on to the stadium floor where he sees Shinso standing there 

"it must be great being born with such a great quirk" he says annoyed 

Izuku annoyed replies "I Don'----"

Shinso Smiles "there that monkey boy must of not told you now walk off away " 

Izuku doesn't move 

Shinso looks on with a confused look "what the hell"

Izuku looks up "you think your mind control would work i have been training my mind just to stay alive" Izuku grabs Shinso's head and throws him into the wall with a smile at the defeat

Izuku Kararot Wins 

Izuku waves to everyone with a huge smile 

Izumi looks down "no he is a Yagi" she yells but is not heard because of the crowd  

Izuku walks over to Shinso and smiles "get stronger so we can fight longer!"

Raditz Smiles as he sits next to Enji 

Enji: oh do you also know Izuku?

Raditz looks over "yeah he is my younger brother" 

This news shocks Enji

Enji: " so your his real brother?" 

Raditz: " yeah I am sadden that I didn't come here years ago but I was caught up "

Raditz looks away from Enji "thank you for looking after him more then those Yagis"

Enji smiles "I wish I found him so that he could be raised right with a caring family"

Raditz looks on happily seeing how happy his brother from winning "Kararot show them your the strongest here " 

Izuku KararotOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz